Monday, August 19, 2013

Movies movies movies

When Jess and I got back from holidays it was right about when they had the half price night at the good theatre so we decided on going to three movies. 

2 guns...Planes...and Elysium 

2 guns was a great movie, but the only downside was that I could hardly stay away. I was so tired from driving for 20 hours it was hard to stay awake. But from what I saw it was very good and there were not a lot of people so that was nice as well. 
Planes was a good movie as well. It was kind of slow in the beginning but it got really good. The mexicano plane was hilarious, he was my favourite and it was good seeing it in 3d from the aerial perception of the planes. 
Elysium...last but not least was so good. I nearly cried in the end it was brilliant, You felt the difference between what life was like on the world - being in poverty- and what it was like on Elysium - rich bitches-. But it had a good twist the ending was sad but it was good in the end because it saved all the people on the earth from the evil lady (Jodie foster). I really liked it and I do not really see Matt Damon movies that often either and I thought his acting was great. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Vacation 2: Youbou and Naniamo

To get to my sister's place and his mom's we had to take the ferry across to the island. It was Jesse and my first time going on the Ferry and to get onto that is very hectic. People are rushing to get onto the ferry or people do not get to their cars in time and lose their spot in line. Once you get off the ferry too it is very stressful, people are trying to get to their destinations as fast as possible because of the long wait and just stressful...only word to describe it. 

But once we got off the island in Nanaimo we first went to go see my sister to drop off some stuff that my mother wanted to give her. She first met Jesse and she thinks he is very nice. I thought it was interesting how there are tons of fruit around the island, in Nanaimo you just walk around and there are always a ton of blackberries, but they are the best blackberries that you ever did taste. Definitely something that you cannot get in a store. 

Later we met up with Jesse's mom in Chemainus, which is past lady smith. We met her there because she was picking up one of her motorbikes from the shop. It was a very nice bike it was purple and pink and it was much lighter than her other bike. But they drove it home I got to meet his mother, and then we drove back to Youbou which is where she lives. 

Jesse got to ride the bike too, he went to Lake Cowichan before it broke down but he looked good on the bike. He gets so excited over driving them and did a good job. 

Now her house is out of this planet, it feels like a little resort. It was clean, it was across from the lake, they had a hot tub they had a boat. It was just great, Jesse and I enjoyed our time in the hot tub especially on days where it was colder. I think that it would be awesome to have a hot tub in the winter to just go have a drink in and relax. 

While at her house too we went camping on Lake Cowichan..the lake across from their house. They had a fire ban on but we were able to still have a fire through a propane fire pit. Because what is camping without a fire? Jesse and I had a night to ourselves (his niece was visiting too) and it was just relaxing. 

It was scary because on the first night of camping Jesse accidentally locked his keys and his spare key in the car. The only reason why he got into the car was because I had not shut my door completely. After getting coat hangers and an hour later. Jesse his mom and Gord had managed to open the door..thank god. Otherwise we would have had to pay a crap ton of money to have his door unlocked, since we were so far from the city. 

But we just camped normally for the first few days, later on Jesse's mom's friends had come. Her previous Foreman and his family. I thought that they were very nice, but their one son was good for nothing. I liked the daughter and the youngest they both were nice. One night Jesse had a good conversation with them about playing Call of Duty it was funny to listen to, since they were so into it. I obviously didn't join but it was ok. 

Over the camping trip we went on the speedboat a few times too, I had never been on a speedboat before so it was so much fun. Later on we went tubing too and the girl that I went on the tube with we both caught air for about 2 ft is what we were told. But it was fun to go boating, it was very relaxing and they showed us some of the properties around the lake. Some of these properties are upwards of 1 million dollars and up. Just to be on the lake but you cross the lake and the price drastically drops. 

But the area is gorgeous, Jesse and I walked back from the camp site to his mom's house one day because she had taken his car back to her house. The walk was gorgeous and when you live in the rain forest rain isn't like droplets but it is a fine mist. It was beautiful. 

Towards the end we went back into Nanaimo to go see my sister again, it was an ok visit. When we went to go see her we were very tired and it was hazy outside. But she showed me around nanaimo and saw some of her favourite shops. A lot of shops remind me of Josee in Lethbridge, just very hippy stores. But it was a nice visit I got to talk to her a bit, and just relaxed as well. We didn't do much but it was nice to see her. 

But it was great meeting his mom I had a great time and it was gorgeous being there. I thought the vacation was relaxing and calm. 

Vacation 1: Road trip

,Jesse and I went to go meet his mom in BC on his days off. It was our first major road trip together and they say that if you can survive a long road trip together then you have a good relationship. But obviously we win. The roads in BC are different from Alberta, and they have some crazed ass weird laws for the road, for example. In Vancouver they have a "lane hoy" where only people that have 2 or more passengers in the car can drive. I think it was the only reason why we didn't get stuck in a traffic jam in Vancouver on our way to the ferries. 

But the drive up was nice we had driven to Revelstoke and got a motel for the night, which it was not the best motel but it was a great price for the motel. They also had the best steak that Jesse had ever tried in a long time. It was so juicy and delicious but it was a good place to eat. But the gas prices are crazy, but in these towns they can up the price of gas because there might not be another gas station for like 300 km or so, way to cheat people out of their money but it is a need. Also it the roads can be frustrating especially behind semi's because if they miss a shift they will have their hazard lights going up the highway going only 40 km/h. 

Driving in other cities is also really crazy in Vancouver it is always rush hour and people in BC do not really care about their speed. When we were coming up to a speed sign in Vancouver it would show the speed that you were doing and when we passed it, it kept on flashing to slow down and then eventually it just showed a frownie face because of how fast we were going.

On the way back people really would not care about the speed limit, on the highways the speed limit is 90 km/h but they were really going 130 km/h and that was slow. But also in BC it is illegal to have photo radar so a cop can only pull you over, so just make sure there is no po po around and you are good. 

Also in BC they have to have license plates on the front and back of their vehicles, which I thought was weird. 

But that just about tells you about our road trip's to and from BC. In my next post I will tell about what it was like at his mom's and being in youbou and naniamo.