Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Working in the Garden of Eden...


While I am finished working at Shoppers and Jesse is just waiting for us to move to Red Deer. We have decided to do some day to day work. Jesse worked yesterday for this lady and I began to help out today. We were called to do some landscaping for her, guess that she is going to put her garden into a home and garden show at the end of the summer. She would normally do the work herself except that she had surgery that is not allowing her to do heavy lifting.  

To begin our day we were shovelling mulch into a wheel barrel to use in the pathway around the boxes of her garden. The mulch would then make the pathway through the be honest..I felt like the mulch didn't look that pretty in the garden I think a stone walking path would be better but if that works for her its great. Then I pulled up some garlic for her to make way for the mulch. I helped her weed her garden beds too, she told me that some weeds are actually better for you than some vegetables especially dandelion. 

But when I say this woman had plants everywhere..she literally did. She had the gardens in the boxes, she had them around the edge of her yard, in front of her gazebo, the front of her house. She had a greenhouse filled with probably hundreds of different flowers, even her house was filled with plants. She actually made an indoor garden that she can tend to all year around full with a waterfall and everything. I thought going to this job you are helping with a garden or so..I wasn't expecting that we would be tending to the 10 gardens that normal people have. She also had lots of animals too, she told us there was at least 4 skunks in her yard a few snakes and she had this parrot on the inside. Man did the parrot have sass too, it kept on looking on the owner throwing out its food then it said hello and then it went to the top of the cage and was screaming at the top of its lungs. It truly was deafening to the ears.



Today we woke up at 5:30 am to go work at her place, because the way we saw it if we can beat the afternoon heat it would be better because it was just so hot the last day. But today we mostly weeded a portion of her garden, she didn't want anything to grow there and things did. Then we took out most of the dead stuff that was in the gardens around the fence and I put mulch back into the garden instead of the grass. But it was a struggle because I was in so much pain from the cramping in my back from shovelling the mulch from yesterday into the wheel barrel.

At the end of the day she invited us inside so she could pay us and I guess the parrot screaming meant that it just wanted to say hello. So she took him out for us and he got to say hello, she tried to get Jesse to hold him but the bird was too shy. Instead the bird just let him pet his head and when we were leaving the bird said bye bye as well. I thought it was a very cool parrot, loud, but cool.


We finished weeding the corner of the garden and we mulched the whole thing. We also began to clear the dead stuff out of the other beds as well. But one surprise that we got today, was we got to meet some of the critters that lived in her garden. For example, her SKUNKS and SNAKES. Was just enough to give Jesse and I a heart attack both. But I have to admit baby skunks are cute..even though deadly. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Uncle Chris and Date at the Brick

Today Uncle chris came to visit. He was bringing down a computer for grandma. I guess he programmed it so that she would only need to touch a few buttons to get to where she needs to. He also helped to make sure that her tv only had one remote for the tv and for the on demand, which she needed. Later on we went for dinner at Ricki's, Jesse and I both had beef dip, but his was a philly and mine was made into a swiss. I really like the thought of having two different kinds as well. But I have to admit the bill was quite cheap, we were pleasantly surprised by that. 

Earlier that day though Jesse and I had a little date. We went to The Brick and we were window shopping for furniture. We didn't really see too much that we liked except for the massage chairs, the ones that have full on deep tissue massages. It was very nice having the massage especially since we were doing gardening all that morning as well. 

But thats what we did today! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

The trouble with Red Deer...

So these past few weeks has been a rollercoaster that was going to plunge straight into hell! It has been horrible! First off the prices in Red Deer are outrageous. You are paying 1000 dollars for a 1 bedroom apartment, which does not even include internet or electricity! Crazy right? or just plainly spoiled here in lethbridge? But anyways that is where our trouble began. 

The first trip to red deer we went to a place downtown and we just stood outside the place for a few minutes before saying no. For 775 dollars per month it got you a shotty looking place downtown Red Deer beside not even one but TWO strip joints, a bar and crack heads down the street. You might as well just see the needles in the storm drains it was so bad. I tried to convince myself that I could maybe stay there and live there. But even Jesse said no we couldn't, we didn't even see the place and we just said no.

The second time we went to Red Deer when we got there to see a place they already gave it away and still had the audacity to still show the place. It is kind of like saying "yeah so we gave it away...but we are going to dangle it infront of your faces anyways." Yeah. No Thanks. Then the other place we saw that day we viewed it, put in the application and never heard from the B*** again. So that was just great. 

Did I also mention more than half of the places were very specific in their listings! For example, no couples, only single person, full time working individual only. Like holy it is harder to find a place than work there, the application process is worse than a job! Never in my life would I think it would be this hard to find a place, especially since everything was in place except for finding an actual place. 

But finally when I was at work this past Saturday, Jesse and mom went to go view this basement suite and although it is 1000 dollars a month he says that everything in included in that price which works for me. I never got to see the place so it will be a surprise when we see it, but both Jesse and mom say that the guy is nice. All he really asks is for quiet and clean tenants which Jesse and I can be. But after all that strife we finally have a place and now I cannot wait for my life to begin in Red Deer. 

Working in endoscopy and living in my basement suite with Jesse!