Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Collicut Centre

Jesse and I decided to finally do something in Red Deer. Like legit it was the first time we left the house…NOT for groceries…pretty sad. But anyways we decided to go since both of our bodies were screaming after this week of work.

Anyways they have a salt pool, a big hot tub, a few little slide, a wave pool and the monster of all saunas (it would not stop blowing steam until you stopped it). But it was a fun day… Sorry for the short post but literally that is all we have done thus far in Red Deer, and it was very relaxing.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Going home

This weekend Jesse and I decided to go back home. Jesse got a cheque in the mail and I was getting really homesick so we decided it was just the best decision. When we started going down to lethbridge the car began to overheat really bad, when we left Red Deer it was like 35+ so it was understandable why it was overheating. We had to pull off at least twice to let the car cool down a bit, but we were not the only ones that were doing this. We saw many other vehicles pulling off to the side of the road to let their engines cool down. However, it did put a damper on how fast we got home. We had to only go 100 km/h compared to the 120/30 that we normally go when driving. I can't lie, I am pretty sure we pissed off almost everyone on the road especially when the speed limit was 110 and we were going under the speed limit. But going through Calgary wasn't that bad, everyone else was going slower than normal so it was fine. But we got to mom's around 5. When we were there we bought Jesse a 5" grinder since its hard on his body using the 7"grinder that he had at work. But after that we went to my mom's. 

 But man I am telling you to see the house without all of our stuff and just mom's stuff is so surreal. She really did a great job on decorating her place, it looks empty there but I know that is how she likes her house to look. 

When we were there she gave us some leftover chinese food that she had at Juanita's. I guess that they had a lunch or something like that. Juanita also made some homemade cheesecake…and let me tell you…best effing cheesecake on the planet. Mom says that she just used condensed milk, cream cheese and some lemon juice. But I can tell that she made it more on the heavier side for the lemon juice, which I LOVE in cheesecake. 

I also got to see Charly too, he really has turned into a grumpy old man cat. We managed to clip at least one of his paws (I think mom should just take him to pet land to get his nails clipped). But he was not happy to see Jesse at all, he had this look like he was so confused. Well we left, mom went to Calgary for a week to go see Aunt Val and while she was there Grandma took care of him. But he cuddled up to me later which was nice. It was good to see my baby boy. 

Later on we went to Grandma's and she has new teeth! I couldn't believe it, I knew that she was getting new teeth but I thought they would be the same as her other ones since she loved them so much. But her smile looks totally different, you can tell she likes that you can see her teeth more. Its just weird seeing her with a different set of teeth. 

Even later on that evening, we went to go see Transformers: Age of Extinction and we all loved that movie. Except it is a long, lonnng movie. But we all liked it so that was good. 

We didn't stay very long but we got lots of stuff done and got to enjoy our weekend for once so it was nice. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Jesse and I have moved to Red Deer! After what seemed like having the hardest time to find a place, worry about how much money that I would have for this move, worrying about gosh knows what else about moving and we have finally just did it! 

I cannot lie the beginning of our move was just frustrating. We had booked a u-haul two weeks PRIOR to our move date. We went to go get the trailer and what do you know…it was not there. How great knowing that I had to start a job the following Monday. But luckily they had a trailer in Taber, so we got 50 dollars off our u-haul since we had to drive all the way to Taber to grab our trailer let alone move all of our junk into this trailer. I swear next move we have I hope to have our own cargo trailer because the amount of bullshit that we were put through is just inexcusable. I guess that they gave our trailer to someone that did not want to wait for one, when there was a huge line-up to begin with (eye roll). 
Even though we got the trailer later than expected…we moved pretty fast. We had originally planned on moving in the following day leaving at like 3 in the morning to make it to Red Deer for 8 am. But Jesse decided to just move that following night since it really did not take long to move all of our stuff. So we drove all the way to Red Deer the following night. We were surprised because when we got there our landlord was home when he said he had to work so it was nice to finally meet him. 

But when I initially saw our place I was freaking out because I thought it was so tiny at first, so I was worried that everything wouldn't fit but we figured it out. I am so grateful for my mom though she really motivated me to unpack things and get our house sort of set up. We at least had our kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom set up by the time I started my job on Monday. 

But we took advice from our landlord and we tried this breakfast diner called Glenn's one day. They have a breakfast buffet which was so yummy. It was cute because they were all tea cup crazed out at this diner, they even had a little gift shop. It was at a good location too since it was on gasoline alley. 

Then I started work the following day and that is whole other story in itself.