Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Uncle Chris and Aunt Linda long weekend

On the long weekend on Saturday we decided to go visit Uncle Chris and Aunt Linda. Jesse and I have been wanting to get a coffee table for what seemed like MONTHS so we finally decided to just go down and buy one at ikea or something like that, and while in the process going to visit some family that I felt we needed to reconnect with. 

When we got there, we got the same feeling that they always give us whenever we come visit..just a feeling of being part of the family. Uncle Chris had asked us if we had breakfast and we just had a quick timmy's bagel, so knowing his family he knew we would need more than that. We decided upon making waffles, Jesse and I got to make the waffles, he just handed us the recipe and that was our job to make the waffles. Along with the waffles we also had some hash browns and some bacon. It was the most food we had seen in MONTHS, not because I starve my man, but because we just cook enough for the two of us. But there truly was nothing better than having a fresh waffle with pb and nutella with maple syrup. Jesse was so satisfied with the waffle he didn't even put maple syrup on it. 

After that we decided to head out to Ikea and holy moly..was it ever busy. Aunt Linda told me she doesn't think she ever saw it that busy! It was insane! People everywhere! It's like they all needed furniture just that one and only weekend! We all got separated from each other too it was crazy! The only time we got together was at the end, and let me tell you..they are good at snatching the free samples and go nuts over them. But our trip was successful, we got a coffee table completely under our budget, a quick dry bath mat (which really is quick dry) tupperware (always need it, cannot ever find lids) and some new kitchen utensils all for under 50 dollars!

After knowing the Ikea incident, our original plan was to go to cross iron mills too since I have never been there before. But after seeing how busy Ikea was we decided against it. Instead we went bowling with them both, maddy and Justine. We all pretty much sucked, but we were trying to mime the guy on the end lane since almost every single turn he would get a strike. He would granny walk up to the line and just casually drop the ball then BAM strike, strike, strike again. But even though I tried to follow his technique I still came in last at a whopping 28 points. Jesse I think won the bowling, then uncle chris came in second. But that was so much fun, and something different to do!

Afterwards we went back to their house and had cafe rio (super yummy) for supper and we played ticket to ride. Which got quite intense, Jesse's tactic was to just block people. I could have gotten a better score but missed one of my destinations by mixing two up together. It even got so intense that Justine and I had to stand up to see the board better to understand it, but so much fun! Uncle Chris ended up winning that one, with having the longest train, and the longest train cars in a row.

Afterwards Uncle Chris gave both Jesse and I blessings for some extra inspiration.

But all in all, super fun day! Glad we got to spend some time with them!