Monday, February 15, 2016


On January 23 Jesse and I had our 3 year anniversary of being together. On our anniversary this year we got the opportunity to do our food tasting for our venue at the Red Deer Lodge/Baymont inn & suites. It was super special and very nice. 

The lady that was the sales manager for banqueting personally catered to us and made our day really special. They specially made a table that was set properly as if it was our wedding day. We got to meet the chef that was going to serve the food for the day, and they just waited on our hand and food the whole time. 

They first brought out the starters which was a garden salad, potato salad, a thai noodle salad, veggies and dip and a meat and cheese platter. Everything was fabulous and yummy. Next they brought us what our entree would be..the prime rib. Since it was a tasting and we obviously have never been to one before, I thought that they just make one dish and then we share off of it. But to our surprise they brought us both out our own plates of prime rib with 2 stacks of potatoes and a veggie medley. All I have to say good..and so much food. Along with the prime rib was this au jus that was the best. It was so good, the potatos were fabulous. All I can say is how amazing it was and how yummy it was. It was one of the best prime ribs I have ever had, they properly seasoned it and was just juicy it was fabulous. 

If that wasn't enough food after that they brought us out the desserts. They had an 2 servings of each dessert for each of us. The desserts that they had was brownies, nanimo bars, butter tarts, red velvet cake, and different kinds of cheesecakes. It was fabulous and everything tasted wonderful. Light but not too heavy and delicious. Our whole meal was delicious. 

But after we were literally waddling out of the hotel. It was fabulous definitely worth the amount that we are paying for the food. Having our tasting brought into effect how soon our wedding really is and it made me really excited for our wedding and to spend the rest of our lives together. 

Happy anniversary to us! 

New years!

Blog post came just a big late but I knew I had to still write it! Having the habit of trying to remember to write in my blog when these events happening is getting a bit tough for me even though my life is not that busy! 

On New years eve Jesse and I had plans...plans I know you heard me correctly? We had PLANS! Being the hermits that we were we knew we had to step out of our comfort zone and my coworker Sage had invited me to her New Years party. I thought perfect opportunity for me to socialize and extrovert with my introverted self and for Jesse to just interact with someone other than me. Perfect situation right?  Sage had said that normally her parties were crazy, drinking and dancing until 5 in the morning. Dog sledding with her two great danes, etc. Crazy antics at her parties and we wanted to participate with them. Also I was extremely honored that Sage had invited me and Jesse to come to her party that really warmed our hearts. 

When we went to their party there was lots of food! Tons and tons of people. We got overwhelmed with how many people were there, the loud music and the amount of alcohol (tbh). We started to talk to one of her friends that the husband did eavestrough work as well and had a nice conversation with them. We decided to play a game called cards against humanity. I had never played it before, it is basically like apples to apples but the more morbid version. It was hilarious to play and it was great to meet new people through that game.

Later on throughout the night they decided on dog sledding and fireworks in the backyard. Her husband Ron had made a dog sled by taking a folding chair and welding it to a pair of skis. The horsepower was her two great danes that were huge it was insane. All the kids took turns going down the ally way with the sled it was so fun to see. Afterwards we had fireworks in the backyward and although they were illegal they were so much fun. They had all different kinds, sparklers, star fireworks etc. It was gorgeous to watch and see them so up close. 

After the fireworks we decided to go back home but it was awesome to have that experience with my coworker. I really thank her for inviting us and having such a great time. She was truly a great host, Between the games, the drinks, the dancing, the fireworks and the dogsledding it was one of the best new years I ever had!