Friday, September 16, 2016

Levi's birthday party!

In August it was our friend Julie's son and husbands birthday! They both share the same birthday and Julie decided to throw levi a birthday party! She had rented a huge bouncy castle for him at her house and had a bbq. 
At the last minute a lot of kids cancelled but that didn't put a damper on his birthday! I think the adults had more fun in the bouncy castle than the kids! But man jumping on that castle took a lot of work! Even Jesse bounced in the bouncy castle! I couldn't believe it. Jesse and Mark their main goal for that bouncy castle was to deform it about as much as they could it drove Julie crazy but they didn't care they had too much fun! 
At one point in the day Mark and Jesse decided to deform the castle and give kids rides on the beam that held the top of the castle up. The kids completely loved that and had so much fun with that! Later on that evening they had put up Levi's big birthday present a pool! We had a massive water fight with that as well!
We really all had such a great time! 

Stag and doe!

Our friends Mark and Julie threw us a stag and doe in July, since our wedding is in september. They basically decided that they would throw a bbq for us and we would play some drinking games. The games that they decided on was Beersby - where you take three bottles on each side set them up on posts and you throw a frisby to get the bottles down - and heads up - a game on your phone. 

Julie had invited a few of her friends to come, whitney and josh a couple that had just recently gotten married and another couple Mitch and Michelle which were her friends for quite awhile. My boss Audrey also came and my coworker Nancy. At first the boys were outside already getting beersby set up and the girls were inside having a chat. The boys were playing beersby the proper way where if you knock a bottle down then you chug a whole beer so they were beginning to get drunk quite fast. When the girls started playing they changed the drinks of choice from beer to taking jello shots every time the other team knocked over a bottle. Which was fun but got you quite drunk fast. Nancy even got up later on during the evening and tried her shot at beersby! 

After other couples decided to leave and go home just Whitney and Josh were left and we decided to play heads up. It is a game on your phone where you place the phone facing your teammates while they act out the word that is displayed on the phone and the person holding the phone has to guess what the word is. This game was so hilarious it was boys against girls and the boys were so good at it. One of the words was a stripper and mark was the pole and Josh was the stripper it was so funny! 

But all in all it was a great night, a little bit fuzzy but a great way to spend our bachelor and bachlorette party! 

Another eventful weekend in Edmonton!

We have been trying to go up to Edmonton as much as possible because Jesse's mom is going to school there for 2 months. We decided to go up the weekend after I was on call to go see her again. This weekend was very eventful we did lots of things like mini golf, going to a movie and watching Jesse's mom weld.

The first night that we were there we decided to go do some mini golf to let Gord out so that Karen could study for her schooling. The golf place that we went to was Monster mini golf, it is attached to a bowling alley and an arcade. It was the coolest experience ever to go to this bowling alley, it is in the basement of the building, it is glow in a the dark, blaring music, it was basically like a night club but for all ages. There was so many teeny boppers there it was crazy! The arcade had a ton of games, some that were from when Gord was a kid. The few games that we did was they played old school pin ball, a shooting game and I decided to go into a tornado simulator! Jesse and I also had our first photobooth photos...awww.

After that we decided to go down to the mini golf, again it was glow in the dark. It was the coolest mini golf we ever saw too! It was all halloween/monster themed. They had these cool prosthetic monsters that did interactive things. The actual pars on the course had little themes for it, whether it was zombies, clowns or anything ghoulish! It was a great time! Gord was plastered as f*** Jesse and I were laughing there was really good loud music playing. It was so much fun! After we were finished playing a magician showed us a mini show. It was just a lot of fun altogether.

The next day Karen needed to practice her welds so we decided to go Gord's shop he was currently working at and watched her practice her welds. One thing I noticed right off the bat about welding is that you need a crap ton of patience, and a very steady hand. If you do not have either you get a very bad weld. They let me put on a mask and see what she was doing right up close, I never saw that before! Got some good photos of Jesse too *wink wink*

Later on that evening we decided to go to a movie, we went to go see Captain America. It was an ok movie. It was nice to go do something along with Karen instead of just hanging out with Gord or more babysitting Gord so that she could study and not have him distract her.

It was a great weekend and we haven''t had that much fun in a long time! Good drinks, good people and relaxation! What more could we have needed?