Saturday, November 19, 2016

OUR WEDDING ~ Getting Ready ~

On the morning of my WEDDING DAY! I had to get up really really early at 7 am to meet our makeup artist for 8 am. I quickly shot out of bed, was weird not having to get ready before I left at all, I don't even think that I had brushed my hair. I met my cousin Sarah (bridesmaid) at her hotel room and she began to curl my hair and pinned the curls to let them set. The longer they set the longer the curl will stay. After that Mom finally had come up to the hotel room as well as the makeup lady. Since I did not want to sweat my makeup off first before the wedding, we decided that mom would do her make up first. Maria was great with my mom and gave her tips on everyday make up that she can do herself. Maria made my mom look super hot. She could have found me a daddy the day of the wedding if I do say myself! It was funny though because as Maria was almost finished with my mom's makeup and then she started to tear up. She would almost be finished again and then start to tear up again! Haha It took awhile for her to be completely done with her wedding! After that she decided to do Sarah next, and even gave us the bonus option of getting Saphire's makeup done for the wedding! That whole morning though was just chaotic, from ordering Jeremiah (Sarah's man) to get stuff done for us that day, such as trying to get us food, getting us drinks before the wedding, etc. Basically he was our lifesaver that whole day! Couldn't have done the day without him! It was extremely hot in that room too, we had to open the window and prop the door open with a towel it was hot! It was so disorganized too! It looked like wedding stuff was vomited all over the suite!

The whole morning I was pretty quiet, everyone kept on asking how I was feeling because I was so quiet. I honestly was not nervous to get married. I was just excited. Finally when my make up and hair were ready it was time to get into the dress. We had already agreed that Sarah would get me into the dress because I knew she would be ruthless with the thing and make sure that it was tighter than anything. I had to hold onto my mother's hands to make sure that I wouldn't fall over, still almost did haha. But with the photographer he wanted to make it look like my mother still got me dress so after Sarah was finished he made it look like she was lacing up my dress and got photos of that haha. When that dress and all that were done...with only 15 minutes to was time to get married.
Getting into the elevator Sarah made sure that no one would see me in my dress before Jesse, so when we got out the elevator she would go out before me and give me the cue that the coast was clear. Then it was time to line get married...


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Brock and Angel's Wedding

Brock and angel had gotten married August 13 2016, she invited us to their wedding along with my mom and grandma. Mom wanted for us to come especially so we could drive them to their wedding to drive grandma there since no buses went to Grande Cache. We left earlier the night before to drive all the way down to Lethbridge. 
The next day we decided to visit with Holly in Brooks. My mom and grandma finally got to meet her and get to know her a little bit since she is Jesse's family. The visit with her was great, grandma and mom were really impressed with her. After the visit with her she had told us to take the scenic route up to Grande Cache going through Jasper. We thought it was great idea, but in the end it was great for Jesse and I, not so much for Grandma and Mom which are not the best road trippers. It took us about 8 hours to get to Grande Cache and once we got there we were really glad. 
The next day we met up with Uncle Ron and Aunt Diana and we went together to the camp grounds that Angel and Brock were to be married. We met up with Brock there and chilled out for awhile until their wedding. We left grandma and mom there and Jesse and I decided to go back and get ready for their wedding and explore Grande Cache. It wasn't that difficult to explore the town of only 3 blocks pretty much. Not much had changed from what I remembered when I was a little girl going there every summer. 
When we went back to the campground, I got to see my Aunt Diana's brother Uncle Andy, he would also spend the summer's with us sometimes and it was good to see him and catch up with him.
Angel was quite late for the ceremony, about half an hour and the weather was going to be coming to them. The clouds were quite dark and you could hear strikes of lightning and thunder in the distance. Once Angel was there. It was beautiful, it was hard not to cry from the song that she chose to walk down the aisle to "A thousand years" by Christina Perri. her bridesmaid dresses were different shades of purple and she had about 3-4 flower girls with little tutus and crowns. It was absolutely beautiful. And then she emerged...beautiful being walked down the aisle with her stepdad and brother. She looked stunning, her dress gorgeous with organza flowers on the bottom of the dress, bling around her waist and neck. Absolutely Gorgeous. Not only was everyone else crying but we took bets to see if Brock would cry when she walked down the aisle. Brock was crying as she walked down, completely bawling much like his dad. Tough on the exterior but a teddy bear inside. Their vows were beautiful too, she promised to love him and that she had met him at the right time after they had both been through hardship. For his vows they were a bit more frisky than hers haha. He had promised to always pinch her ass and protect her and the most important vow of all "to ride her as hard as he rides his harley" haha. After they were pronounced as husband and wife his group of biker brothers gave them a proper send off, roaring their motorcycle engines echoing into the moutains. It was beautiful, and glad I got to see my cousin get married. 

After the ceremony it had poured rain! Completely downpoured, since it did we decided to go back to the hotel and relax. When we came back it was about 7pm. Their reception had started so late due to the rain not ending faster. Their wedding was completely outdoors and they had originally had tents but couldn't find them on the actual day! Crazy! 
We had missed the dinner but we went but we came back for the speeches. It was great all the speeches and love that was in those mountains that day. Her step mom had photoshopped a photo of her getting ready with her on her wedding day since he had passed which was beautiful to see all that emotion.  We got to congratulate the Mr and Mrs and got to take a shot with my Uncle Ron and party with my bridesmaid Sarah. It was a great time!