Monday, February 20, 2017

13 weeks! with some life updates!

Well little bean this week I am 13 weeks with you! Mommy and Daddy love you so much that daddy went back to school for you! He has been working hard this last month to get his class 1 to support us! Mommy went and bought us a house for you as well! Somewhere for you to love growing up. The house is located in Blackfalds and cannot wait for you to grow up there! In a few weeks we will get to see what your gender is and to further plan for that! Momma's cravings so far has been fruit in any form, and dark chocolate with absolutely no sugar in it! Little mama finally has her energy back and daddy is getting more excited to feel you grow inside me! So many updates and life changes just to make your life better my little bean ❤❤❤❤❤❤