Saturday, March 10, 2018

6 months!

Macy moo is 6 months old at her doctor appointment she weighed 16 lbs and is 63 cm long! She began to say mama when she is mad, we are working on saying dad and she finally figured out how to jump in her jumperoo! She finally is beginning to like tummy time, she can shake her own rattle and enjoys older babies. Her main focus on motivation is ruff! She laughs at everything. We constantly go on play dates with a lot of other friends, our favorite places to go is treehouse in red deer, the abbey centre in blackfalds and swimming. 
We went on a little vacation to Rocky mountain house to go see her dad. They had a swim pool there where we worked on some swim lesson exercises and blasted music. Mom's phone died while trying to go back home so we had to try and navigate on our own. 
We had a lot of blow outs this month! One of the most memorable ones she got her foot hooked on the diaper and it landed dirty side down on her face, bad thing was she began to lick the poop when I took the diaper off her face. It was the first time that after a diaper change I just decided a bath was in order. She got poop everywhere! On her feet, her hands, on her stomach! I got it everywhere on me as well! At least she loves her baths, she loves to splash and jump in the bath tub when I take a bath with her. 
She got her first cold this month, we were so glad that grandma was down because I got sick as well. Grandma was looking after mom, dad and macy. Jesse got the worst of the cold but after getting some puffers and antibiotics we all got better! 

4 months & 5 months old

Its been awhile since we have updated! I am going to do an update altogether. Since 4 months old we have tried some various foods, we love oat cereal, and raspberries. At 4 months she was able to touch her toes and became talkative as ever! We got to meet santa at christmas and loved to pull his beard, we got to meet grandma K, we visited our great grandma around christmas and got to meet Auntie Kotarah and Uncle Ryan who is just smitten! At her 4 month appt she was 15 lbs and grew 9 cm since her 2 month appointment!
5 months! We are fully laughing now, we have tried alot more foods like carrots, custard, butternut squash and avocado, we like it all! We sat up for the first time in front of daddy and mommy in the bath tub! We went swimming for the first time and we love it alot! She is cutting her left bottom tooth! She figured out how to jump in her jumperoo.