Sunday, November 11, 2018

14 months!

month update: She still has 0 teeth, forever teething! Still not walking on her own, but loves to push her walkers and hold onto one hand and walk! She still loves her white puppy, she loves to dance, she is beginning to "talk" more. We had a bad month of illness in our house and she was hit as well, but that never got her down. She was still happy as ever even though she wasnt feeling well!
Trips and outings:
Macy went trick or treating for the first time! She didn't fully understand why we were saying hi and bye so quickly. She thought if we were going to their door we should go inside! After a few houses Macy finally got the concept and she got excited every time she got a goodie in her treat bag. Her dad and I helped walk her house to house to ring door bells for candy! She was so proud of her loot as well, was swimming in it when we dropped off grandma at her place.
We also went to the abbey centre with Dad, we went up the big kid structure with both myself and her dad! We took her down the slides and she enjoyed climbing up to the top of the structure. She wanted to chase the bigger kids, but couldn't keep up!

13 months!

Month update:
She still has 0 teeth! We are beginning to work on the walking, and she took a few steps by herself! Her favorite toy is her white puppy that aunt geminie and uncle norman got for her! She has gotten quite cuddly this month and will snuggle up to anyone! She learned to start sharing her food with the dogs (bad habit) and with anyone that is trying to feed her!
Trips and outings:
She went to the pumpkin patch for the first time! It was chilly out and she was teething so she didn't enjoy it quite as much! But we loved seeing what kind of activities were at the patch! We enjoyed our time with our friends Char, Ivy and Ryker at the patch!
We also got to hang out with our friends Ashley, Aubrey and got to meet little Sammy! The girls played quite well together, they were a little bit shy, but enjoyed each others company!