Thursday, July 25, 2019

17 months-22 months

Sorry I havent had the most frequent uploads lately. Life just gets so busy! Macy is currently 22 almost 23 months and time has flown! 

SO much has changed with our little girl! Macy got glasses, she has almost all her teeth within this amount of time, she got her first haircut, she is talking up a storm and learning new words every single day! All throughout this time she has still been in 12-18 month clothing and in size 4 diapers. She has been on lots of adventures, with grandma, mommy, daddy and with all of our friends. She loves going to the park and loves to go down the tallest slide at the park. She loves to body slam onto the bed, be chased, all the time. She loves to hug, and kiss. Her favorite person by far is definitely her daddy anytime she sees a truck she runs up to the driver side yelling daddy! A huge update is in May I found out that Macy is going to be a big sister at the end of january! 

funny things:
Our girl is such a character. Her favorite movie is definitely frozen and her favorite song is baby shark. She is still so attached to puppy and I have to try and sneak him to get him washed at least 1 time a week (so gross)! She loves playing with her toy stroller, she loves to help clean up the house, and she loves splashing as much as she can in the bath! Some funny moments I remember during this time is I taught her how to say "coochie coochie coo", one day she took off her diaper and started to play with her lady bits while saying "coochie coochie coo" although it was terrible, I thought that was the most hilarious thing ever. She has a very strange liking to brushing her teeth and she could do it all day everyday if she could. She figured out how to put deodorant on but instead she puts it on her neck. She does this whine that makes me laugh that sounds like "uhhh huhhhhh". She is quite the thrill seeker and enjoys to climb up on nearly anything even if it makes me almost have a heart attack. 
When her auntie was down visiting her she put vaseline in her hair. We had to come together as a team to find out how to get all the vaseline out of her hair and it took about a week for it to fully come out. We found out that if you put cornstarch in the hair it absorbs the oil of the vaseline then you have to wash her hair with a degreaser dish soap to fully get it out. 
When she is way to quiet in a room by herself, we should definitely be scared. Macy dumped and spread out cumin AND pepper all over the kitchen. 
She loves to try to carry anything that is larger than her to show us her strength, whether its a super heavy hydroflask water bottle or if its a wicker basket the size of her at the phsyio clinic. 
She has been putting her puppy to bed by tucking him with a blanket and kissing him goodnight its just the cutest thing. 
Anytime we are on the phone with someone or through a drive thru. She always has to tell them hi and bye regardless if they are talking to her or not.