Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Environmental swabs

So today my lab partner Stephanie and I went to go take pictures of our bacteria that has been brewing over the last while. It is amazing how much bacteria is on a toilet seat since that is one of the places where we did our environmental swabs. But I think its cool, we learnt how to plate bacteria to isolate it further and also to add them to a broth. Definitely in school the labs are my favourite and can't wait to keep learning more.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

CSP tour/ Weigh in thursdays

Today was so exciting to me. I got to finally tour the department that I plan to have my future career in, the central processing at the hospital. It was exactly how I thought it would be, I think I will really love this job. I like the idea of working by myself, and just doing my work, as well as, sterilizing stuff. I am sort of beginning to become like a mini germophobe, and kind of am worrying about the germs around me now, but they say in due time that goes away. 

But I thought it was a good day and very good tour. I also went to go see Laura and I gained a pound so now I am at 204.5, but I have a plan for next week so we shall see how it goes. I was going to skip going to the gym tonight but my boyfriend is very "kind" and told me I had to go, and I am glad that he did, because although I hurt, it was the right thing to do and it will benefit next weeks weigh in session. I just need to worry about my water intake a bit more. 

But until, the next exciting thing happens...Cheers! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


       this week was so exciting for was a week of firsts! I started college for the first time this week, I have 6 classes in total. microbiology, csp, communications, medical terminology, English and computers. the first class I was so nerve wrecked it was crazy, but I just sat by a girl named Stephanie and introduced myself. I found out that she was in the same program as me, a ps well as, this other girl named Chelsea.

it was also my first lab ever, we got to wear labs coats and the whole deal. I learnt how to use a Brunson burner and we got to look at frogs blood and bacteria under the microscope. we also did environmental swabs, my lab partner and I took them from a door handle and from the tilet seat in the bathroom. I am really excited to see what kinds of bacteria will grow on the plates from the samples. I think that the lab will be one of my favourite classes, and luckily I have a lab partner that knows what she is doing, she helped me a bit with the microscope.

this week I also tried A new recipe, a orange sour cream chicken, it was soo good but I could have made it better but that is what has been up in the last few days and it feels good doing school and making new friends.

This week I also tried getting new nails on, the first day I completely hated them, I wanted to just rip them off but after having them for awhile I got used to them and I think they are ok. Sometimes they can be difficult to deal with but its all good. 

here's hope to a good semester!