Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hanging out with friends

This past friday I went to go hangout with my old friend Britany, we went window shopping and then she took me to dinner at the firestone. She bought some stuff at stitches and at bath and body works. Bath and body works had a 3 for 3, so she was nice enough to let me pick out three products, which made me really happy. I got some vanilla bean noel stuff since it smells so good. I got the body cream, and the fragrance mist. I also got the cashmere glow body cream, it smells very clean which is good.

At firestone I got a beef dip and our server was her sister! It was nice to meet her, and it is amazing how different they are. Totally different personalities, different looks everything. You would not have guessed that by looking at them that they were sisters. Britany ordered a lobster brie sandwhich which she said was good and her sister ordered her the gingerbread hot chocolate which was very good as well, it also had a gingerbread whip cream that went ontop so it was really rich. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Remembrance day weekend

This weekend I took off of school. I did my CSP test and got 86% on it so I felt like I deserved a few days off school. To take school off for a few days when that is the only thing you worry about is really weird but relaxing but I am so thankful that I did it, because I am ready to kick ass in school again. This remembrance day I took the whole day to get done all my quizzes and such in Medical Terminology and now I am caught up, just need to do the module 2 test then I am finished this module. 

Since I took the weekend off of school I decided to go to a movie and Jesse and I worked on a model car together. 
The movie that we went to go see was Thor 2, and it was better than the original Thor. It was very good and having a close up on Chris Hemsworth abs is nice as well. We went with my friend Kelsey White, she is also in the CSP program and she is from White Horse in the Yukon. It was a very good movie though. After the movie we went back to my place and talked for awhile...its always good to have friends over. 

Lastly, Jesse and I made a model car. We created a pontiac not know the year but I will insert the pictures down below. But I found a new love to do model cars, its fun to paint them and then put them together. I am planning on buying my own model car. 

I did all the interior