Saturday, December 5, 2015

Getting Engaged!

On November 3 2015 Jesse decided to propose and I said yes. I love him so much and cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I wanted to write down the story of how he proposed so that I can remember it forever. 

A couple of months prior when he was having a hard time figuring out some stuff we had went on a drive. We began talking about deep things about our lives and he had said that he thought he had wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. The next few days after we had gone to the ring store for him to see what kind of rings I like and such. One important thing that I remember was that I should let him pick out the ring because that was the lady's one regret was picking out her engagement ring and to let him just pick it. I agree'd and the thought went out of my head for a bit. 

Fast forward to November Jesse had come home one night telling me that his boss was thinking of proposing to his girlfriend and he had told me that his boss had NO idea how to propose so he began to ask how I would like to be proposed to. The first idea I shot down was christmas since nearly everybody got engaged on christmas. I wanted to have my own day to get married on not some holiday or birthday. Just a normal wednesday.

Then the next day it was like any other night but he had asked if we went on a walk. If you knew Jesse you would know that he hates walking, if the destination was half a block he would rather drive than decide to walk there. Another thing that was weird is that it was not cold but he decided to wear his winter jacket. I had no idea why, he just said he was really cold. THEN before we went on the walk he sat on the couch for awhile looking really dazed, I swore that he was sick or gettingg sick and told him we didn't have to go on the walk. He eventually did get up and we went down to heritage ranch and began our walk. Normally when we go on walks we just talk back and forth but he was not talking at all so I thought that was weird as well.

 As we were walking we walked to this gazebo as we walked  up to it there were kids in there smoking pot and Jesse looked so disappointed, I tried to tell him we could go and find somewhere else to sit if he was winded that bad. We eventually found this bench overlooking the river and some trees peaked through it was really pretty and all through this it was dark. We still were talking and he was still not saying anything then it got really quiet and awkward and he said we should go. As I was getting up he had gone down on one knee and grabbed my hand and told me everything he loved about me, how I cared about him, loved him, am loving and how I even flare my nostrils and if I would spend the rest of my life with him. I began to cry since I couldn't believe that he was proposing, all while I could not see the ring at all just the outline of it. I said yes even though I did not know what my ring even looked like but frankly I didn't care I just loved him for who he was, but after he had said the proposal and after I had asked to see his phone so I could see the ring and after I saw the ring I absolutely broke down.. It was amazing, more beautiful than I could even imagine. It was just perfect it fit me perfectly. And gorgeous ring or not I would have said yes anyways. But I love him and I am so happy to say that I will be marrying the man of my dreams September 17, 2016.


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