Sunday, March 27, 2016

My birthday

For my birthday we had celebrated it early March 19th this year with our friends. Since our friends are big on celebrating birthdays they made absolute sure that we had fun on my birthday. We had initially planned on going to the hideout and go to the locked room in Red Deer. The locked room is where they place you inside a room for 50 minutes and are given a situation that you must figure out how to leave the room. Sounds fun right? Only problem is that you have to prebook it and I did not want to pay upfront to pay for that. We then decided after that to go play lazer tag, then Julie sprained her write and it needed to be in a cast. So then we decided to just have a bbq at her house and enjoy our time together there.

Unfortunately her other friend that she had invited was not able to come from being hungover from st. patricks day on the thursday but that was ok. We really got to know Julie and her husband mark by just talking. We did not end up playing games but talking with them was great having food, a few drinks and some laughs was great to have in celebration of my birthday. I bought my own birthday cake and lit it as well. Although our plans did not go as we had thought it was a great 23rd birthday with my love and with our good friends.

Jesse's birthday!

On January 31 it was Jesse's birthday! What was exciting about this year though was we actually had plans! Exciting...I know! My friend from work Julie had invited us to go out with her and her best friend since it was her friend's birthday as well! We had made plans quite a while before his birthday and we decided that we would go to Montanas and go bowling at heritage lanes. I kept the secret of the restaurant we were going to because I knew he would not want to wear the antlers. I just kept on telling him that we were going somewhere fancy that was a surprise. The friend of Julie that was coming was named Carolyn and she brought her baby daddy Curtis (aka Jason...he wore a Jason tshirt, with the drinks for the night in my mind his name was Jason).  She came to Alberta all the way from Newfoundland to spend her birthday with Julie which I thought was sweet.

We had ordered dinner at it was fun getting to know her friend Carolyn. She was very nice she and her boyfriend just found out that she expecting a few weeks prior to their visit so that was very exciting. We had written all over the montanas table of course (who said it was only for kids?) Then we headed over to the bowling. They had unlimited games and we ended up only playing about 4 games or so of them. It was fun, at first it was carolyn, curtis and her friend chris on one team. Then Julie, Mark, Jesse and myself on the other team. Jesse eventually got better at bowling but I just continued to suck even with the buzz that I had going on. Everyone got really excited when I would just get one pin down because I am the queen of gutter balls. Jesse was doing gutter balls as well, if you can't tell bowling is not the best sport in our family. Julie was getting pins down, but throwing the ball down on the alley quite hard, I was scared that she was going to break the floor of the alley with how hard she was throwing them again the floor. Mark did pretty good as well, he hit the most pins out of all of us.

Halfway through the game we decided to do girls against guys. So we had switched bowling alleys, I was curtis, Julie was chris and carolyn was of course herself. On the other alley was Mark as himself, Chris as Julie and Curtis as myself. It was funny I would make fun of Jesse and say he has such a fine fiance now since it was Curtis. I honestly cannot remember who won, for the whole teams because I only cared about beating Jesse. I came really close to beating him but at the last part of the game he started bringing in the strikes and ended up winning over my score, which normally happens anyways. But that was Jesse's birthday, we both had a great time for his 26th birthday and were extremely honored and appreciative that our friend had invited us out for his birthday.