Monday, December 5, 2016

OUR WEDDING ~ Photos in Coronation park ~

After the ceremony, the pictures in the Hotel garden, pictures by the pool, etc. We headed out with the photographer, Sarah and Mark. To get into a car with a wedding dress, let me tell you haha! It was interesting! When we got to the park the photoshoot began right away, but this time was drastically different from our engagement shoot, we were not afraid to flirt to kiss pda or nothing! When the photographer tried to give us direction Jesse already knew haha kiss the motherf***ing girl! and hard too! Already not halfway into the shoot I took off my shoes and Sarah held them! I never noticed until after our honeymoon how dirty I had gotten my wedding dress from walking in the dirt but I loved it! We photobombed with people passing by in the park, and they all congratulated us. Sarah and I got a photo with the beaver in the park, Jesse and mark got a photo in the tree that they had climbed haha. It was great fun and honestly one of my favourite parts of the wedding! Chilling with our wedding photographer, Sarah and Mark! Was very relaxing and fun!


When you get married and you are the bride you feel left out of the ceremony. You have to wait outside as your husband, your bridesmaid, your flower girl etc. all walk down the aisle and hear of what they did going down the aisle while you wait patiently behind those doors. The anticipation sure builds when you are waiting behind those doors though, first hearing the song that you chose for your husband to walk out with his mother to, then having the door open by Julie our usher to first let Sarah in to walk down the aisle, her already crying. The feels were just there as is! Next telling our little flower girl Saphire to walk down, then lastly the door opening for my mother and I. I honestly felt no nervousness at all up to about the time I had to walk down the aisle. When the door opened a surreal feeling happened to me, it was like it was a dream. Just looking at Jesse, seeing him standing there, waiting for me to spend the rest of our lives together.The song "I won't give up" by Jason Mraz started and we paused at the entry way. We began to walk down the aisle and the tears just started bawling out of me. Halfway down the aisle it hit me to not ugly girl cry haha and to remember to do "pretty eyes" as I had told to Saphire before too.
Once Jesse came down to walk me to the alter my mother lifted my veil and took her seat (completely stepping on my train haha I had to wait a few seconds for her to get off my train). Jesse took me up the alter. I had not thought that Jesse would have been as nervous as he had been. He was shaking haha. Tearing up himself. Janice our marriage commissioner told everyone to sit down after and get ready to begin. The funniest part was she leaned in between the two of us and whispered "I am really enjoying this threesome that we are having today." Jesse and I just burst out into laughter and helped both our nerves. She proceeded with the ceremony, we had to repeat everything that she said to us. I had no issues haha Jesse was tripping over every word that she was saying. The only part that he could fully say without stumbling over his words were his vows...

Jesse's vows to me:
"I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together. With my whole heart, I take you as my wife/husband, acknowledging and accepting your faults and strengths, as you do mine. I promise to be faithful and supportive and to always make our family's love and happiness my priority. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. I will dream with you, celebrate with you and walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring. You are my person my love and my life, today and always

My vows to Jesse:
I promise from this day forward I will give you all my love, and you shall not walk alone. I have no greater gift to give. As your love is my anchor, and your trust my strength. May my heart be your home. As this ring has no end, or beginning, so shall my love for you be.
You have taught me hope after disappointment, belief after betrayal and love after being hurt. You have truly made me who I am today and I am grateful. You may not be a traditional prince but you are my happily ever after.

After we said our vows it was ring time! Jesse was so nervous he almost couldn't get the ring on me by himself he was shaking so bad haha. When it was my turn to put the ring on his finger I almost couldn't get it on his either haha he was retaining water bad! Then he led me to sign our license to make it official just as we had practiced. Haha it was weird finally noticing all the people as I sat down to sign our marriage license. Then it was time to be announced as husband and wife, Janice gave us a hug and away we went. It was such an adrenaline rush to have just gotten married, honestly after we had no idea what to do after. We then had photos done in the fake garden at the hotel, which was fun to see everybody!

~ Photos in the park ~ TO BE CONTINUED....