Monday, September 11, 2017

Our labor and delivery story!

On September 3rd we were scheduled to be induced by a gel called cervadil that is inserted to help with effacement. At the time I was 2cm dilated thinned out but not effaced at all. We went into the hospital at 7 am got a day pass to see how it does and began to get some contractions around 4 pm or so. We decided to go back in I was still 2 cm dilated but 2/3 effaced this time, they gave me some morphine and gravol for the pain and sent me along my way. We had to come back anyways at 9 pm to get the cervadil taken out and try again the next day. 
When we went back in at 9pm the Dr. decided that he would reinsert the cervadil since I was beginning to get contractions even though I was in the same place. We ended up leaving the hospital at around midnight to go home and get some rest. At about 1:30 in the morning I began to feel some sharp contractions, decided to go and take a bath relax a bit. By this time the contractions began to get worse and I was moaning in pain. Jesse was the one that actually decided it was time to go to the hospital, he began to time my contractions and they were lasting about a minute and 2 minutes apart. We were told to go to the hospital if I had 4 or 5 contractions that lasted 45 seconds in 10 minute intervals. 
When we went back into the hospital at 2:30 in the morning I had dilated to 4 cm and was 100% effaced, this time we were not going home haha. They gave me more morphine for the pain but the morphine did nothing to help the pain it just took the edge off. They let me go and have a bath to help with my back labor I was having. I had asked for more morphine around 5 am but the dr. decided it was time to get an epidural. At 6am they wheeled me into a delivery suite to administer the epidural. The epidural was the worst part of the whole thing, I felt intense pressure in my spine while he was inserting the needle. It was very hard to stay still, all the while, the woman next to me was giving birth naturally absolutely no medication haha once the epidural set in I was just happy as can be that I did not have to give birth naturally. 
The nurse that we had labored with is named Mikaela and she did regular checks on me to see how I was doing, asking me questions every once in awhile. Throughout this whole time I only had about an hour of rest prior to this, I was very exhausted. I didn't feel like I had slept mom and Jesse told me I was sleeping the whole time. Around 11 am I got checked by Dr. Henderson (who I was supposed to deliver with) I was stuck at 6 cm now for around 3 hours and she decided to start the oxytocin drip to speed my delivery more. I was only on the drip for 5 minutes when Macy's heart rate dropped to 50 beats per minute. 
They quickly reassessed the situation and Dr. Henderson came to the conclusion that we would have to have a c section to get this little girl out. It was quite a scary situation because once they decided that they began to prepare me for it right away by giving me a catheter, doing bloodwork to make sure I would be good to be going under the knife. All while they were doing this I had a major major panic attack because I was just thinking in my mind if this little girl is actually sick I would need my strength to get through it. 
The surgeon that was going to perform the c section came in and talked to me to try to calm me down. Basically he had given me three options about how we could go about doing this..1. Wait to see if I would progress on my own. 2. Start the oxytocin drip again and see what her heart rate would do or 3. just perform the c section. I was so panicked I couldn't respond so he decided for me that we would wait to see me progress. While all this was happening Jesse and mom stood back and watched this. Jesse said he almost lost it when he saw me have the huge panic attack since he knew he couldn't hold my hand throughout it. Dr. Wiebe (surgeon) checked me to see how many cm dilated I was which was 7 cm and he moved the baby's head a bit to wait to see what would happen. While they prepped me for the c section my epidural wore off and the anesthiologist came back to give me a top up. It hurt like a bitch I can't lie my legs felt like bricks were crushing my legs. 
They checked me in about an hour and I was fully dilated ready to go. The nurses wanted to begin to deliver me but Dr. Wiebe wanted to deliver me himself, because he thought that I would be the first first time mom in awhile that would deliver really fast. 
When he did come they gave me a quick lesson on pushing and away we went! I would be pushing so hard that I would forget to breathe, I couldn't feel the pain of it but I could feel Macy making her way down slowly. Jesse was giving me ice chips the whole time (almost choking me haha) and the nurses put cold compresses on my forehead to help me. I only pushed for 25 minutes and she was out. My mom had watched the whole thing and they placed her on my chest for a minute. We all cried for a bit relieved to just have her out. NICU was already waiting there for her since her heart rate dropped during the delivery. She wasn't crying when they placed her on my chest and they whisked her away to get her breathing. I looked over and saw my little girl hyperventilating trying to get some air in her lungs but struggling. She would let out small little cries but nothing that they would want to hear when they are first born. Jesse went with them to the NICU for her to be assessed and mom stayed back with me to make sure I was ok. I only had 2 small tears on the inside walls. Nothing too bad to recover from. I was just relieved to have her out but sad at the same time about not having the first family bonding time that I had initially thought would happen. I was terrified as hell because she was so sick I had no idea, they told me after I wouldn't be allowed to see her for 2 hours since they were stabilizing her, she ended up staying in NICU for 6 days because of it. 
My thoughts about my birth. I was only in labor for 13 hours and pushed for 20 minutes and she was out. I had not thought that would happen for me at all especially being a first time mom. I was so extremely scared when her heart rate dropped so bad I can't even describe the feeling. In a way I feel bad that I was induced because I feel like I rushed her to come out and as a result struggled throughout the labor because of that decision. Throughout being pregnant I always tried to come up with all the worst case scenarios that could happen during my labor with me, but I never even thought that she would have struggled with the labor. Her being in NICU was a thing that I thought was not a possibility. But by being in NICU we got the best crash course into parenting as opposed to other parents. In the end we got this beautiful baby girl that was born September 4th 3:08 pm weighing 7 lbs and 19 inches long ✨⭐✨

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