Friday, March 1, 2019

16 months

Update: Our crazy chicken is 16 months! She still had 0 teeth, she learned new words like bubbles, nana, hi, bye! She learned how to brush her hair on her own. She is pretty much running! She is currently in 12-18 month clothing and size 4t in shoes! Lastly, her favorite food is anything dipped in ketchup!
Trips and outings: We had an emergency trip to the island to go see Dad's sister since she was in rough shape. It was a really rough trip, we had a flat tire when it was snowing badly, when we got to the island the power was out from a wind storm for the whole time. Our favorite parts of our trip was going to see Mom's sister, auntie kotarah, she enjoyed playing games with us, and we had a turkey dinner for christmas. We got to go on a ferry for the first time, and enjoyed talking with lots of other people on the ferry. Another highlight of our trip was the attendant at the hotel we stayed at, he truly made us feel like family, and made us feel right at home. He was great to bond with and chat about life with.

He let us make a mess of the travel brochures, take lots of extra oranges for Macy, etc.
We also celebrated new years playing games with our friends molly, brett and emiley. It was fun everybody played all night long!  The toddlers made it to new years better than the parents!

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