Monday, March 25, 2013

Days off

Jesse came home from days off..I think on Wednesday...of last week. Anyways during his days off we went to Medicine hat, went to Calgary. I turned 20..woot woot.

You is so nice to know that I am out of my teens. My teens were just was an awkward stage of my life so it just sucked. But in Medicine hat we took everything out of his storage unit, and took it home. But man..coming back from medicine hat..everything went wrong with his truck . 
Medicine Hat 

He had forgotten to take 4 wheel drive off his truck which probably shot the front end. Then his fuses blew, and then the interior light went as well. A few days before as well he found out that just a wheel alignment would cost him 1200 dollars..and usually a normal wheel alignment costs 105 dollars..To say his truck is a bit screwed up is an understatement. So next turn around he just plans to sell his truck so that he wont have to deal with it anymore. 

Then the next day it was my birthday and we drove up to Calgary. I finally got to meet some of his family, his step mother, her husband, his step sister and his real sister, as well as his niece. 


About the two trips.
I looooved his step mother..she just invites you into her home and treats you like you were one of her own. Her husband was great too, he was really funny. He reminds me of Jesse so much, its great. It is that tough guy exterior but inside you know they are sweethearts. When we went to Okotoks we went out to a bar with them. Dave (husband) taught me how to pool. I still suck but once I focus I can make some good shots, it can be hard at times though. We took shots as well.. this one shot that we had was disgusting..Jesse ordered it for me. It was called a was half whiskey half rye. Oh me G. It was so bitter and disgusting. Then I tried a Jagerbomb for the first time as well, it was sort of bitter but it was certainly better than the gasoline shot. 

Jesse was expecting me to be drunk off my ass but I wasn't.  

After seeing them we went to Chinook since I wanted to do some shopping in Calgary, since we do not have some stores that Calgary has. I have to admit shopping is not that enjoyable with having Jesse there, but before we went he had told me that he would just sit in the truck while mom and I shopped. Anyways that did not happen he came inside as well. Talk about pressure to shop fast. It was like I could not look at anything. In bath and body works I was just grabbing so much shit that after I had no idea what I bought. I spent a lot. especially at bath and body works. But thats ok I think I got a good deal, got enough bath and body works for a year.

Then going home from Calgary Mom drove..ha ha and it was horrible when she drove. On the 110 km speed limited road she went 60 km/h. That was so stupid of her to do, especially since going too slow can make road conditions dangerous for other drivers that want to go fast but she didn't believe me. But we had a good laugh while driving. It is a complete smack your face in your hand moment.

But I have to give her credit she did the best she could while in the dark, and driving unknown territory as well as highway driving. So I do give her credit for that but still some parts of that drive were pretty funny. 


Then at home I went out the last two days with my friend Christina bennett. But I just like to call her Bennett ha ha. she hates it but I don't give a f%?^? yo. Anyways, Jesse's driving scared her but I am just so used to it now. But we went to the bar and played some pool..and if I thought I was a bad pool player. Ha ha it is a serious understatement. I sunk so many other balls than she did. Luckily there was another couple at the bar and Jesse got a bit of challenge with the guy of the couple. The woman we played with but she was so drunk off her ass but that was fun. But it was funny because her hands were purple from dying her hair. It looked like she killed a unicorn with purple blood. It made me laugh inside.

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