Wednesday, March 27, 2013


well its pretty obvious that Jesse and I live together. And I have to say that since we have started living together I really want to know create my home his as well. Make it our home, where we can relax and be happy together. 

It truly is great knowing that everytime he goes on days off..he gets to come home to me..and relax with me in our home. It really feels great knowing that feeling, it makes you feel whole knowing that the person you love will wake up next to you. 

It also feels great to go to sleep beside someone that completely adores you, although you may go through hard times, you still know that they are willing to make it work because of how much they love you. 

With Jesse living with me though it really makes me want to work on making my house a home, and I feel like it is our little home in the basement. 

But I truly love my guy, he treats me good, he takes care of me when I am down. I really know that he will be there for me and with me through any troubles I have. He truly is amazing and I love him so much. 

Now to get to the point..
Why I posted this blog was because I was watching reruns of Greys Anatomy, and when Mark dies along with Lexi, it really made me feel greatful for the love that I have in my life. I am so grateful to be with the person that loves me completely as well and that I love with all my heart. 

Sometimes people in life forget those people that you love and will do everything for. They forget who their "person" is like how Meredith was Yang's person in Grey's Anatomy. Jesse is my person and I hope he always will be. 

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