Monday, August 11, 2014

Moving..scams..and mom coming to visit

So our perfect little house in Red Deer turned into a real nightmare. On July 12th or something like that Jesse told me that the guy we were renting from..who we thought owned the house really actually was only renting. Not only was he renting, but his landlord has NO idea that we were staying there. He told us if we were to stay there we had to rip up our lease agreement and agree to stay there as "just friends". So I started to panic..any normal person would and we finally agreed that we had to move. The following monday I told myself that I needed two things. 1. Meet the original landlord, and 2. get a new agreement, Rob could not deliver either so we decided to move. Luckily we found another place a lot sooner, in a good neighbourhood and basically now we love it here. Took a lot to get here but now we are here. 

But when we moved in mom decided to come down to help us unpack. It was so much fun when she came down, she motivated us to pack and we got to spoil her. And man did we..we took her to East Side Marios and let me tell food ever…and did we ever hoard food into our bellies for that. We had to wait 20 minutes to get in but we got our food right away, it was amazing. 

Then we took mom to the Collicut centre which was fun, we did the steam room, hot tub, mom went down the water slide a few times (I think she really liked that) and just swam. It was sooo much fun. 

But I am so glad I got to spend some quality time with my momma even due to the circumstances. I am truly grateful for my mom and everything she does for us. She truly is the best mom ever and I wish I could do more. 

But that has been my life for awhile, we love our new place, we have an awesome kitchen, huugge living room, huge bedroom, walk in closet and the best shower ever with an adjustable shower head. It truly is great and I feel like this truly is where we are supposed to be, even through the hardship. 

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