Sunday, August 17, 2014

A social last

This week has been a great development in the "code operation: begin socializing" movement that I have been trying to force myself to do. Since being in Red Deer, we mainly have been worried about, living here, money and living here…let alone trying to have a social life. Finally our lives seem to be calming down after the storm that raged through our lives, so I thought it is finally time to socialize. 

I asked Lise and Ghislaine at work if they wanted to go out for dinner one night and while I was talking about East Side Marios some of the ladies were like..well why not go there? Especially since they had not gone to East Side Marios in a long time. Anyways since I knew that it would be super busy, I decided to make a reservation..normally you would have to wait 20 minutes otherwise. We were all saying how it feels like an expensive nightclub where you need to be "exclusive" to get in and everyone else looks at you like "you b*tch" because you got in first without waiting at all. But we all laughed, we indulged, laughed and indulged some more. It was so much fun. 
The next day we invited Lise's daughter Danielle and her boyfriend over. We were initially planning on going to a movie but it just didn't work out. So we changed it to a movie in at our place. It was so nice doing it that way first though because we never got to the movie but we got to get to know them first. It is interesting because Matt is a chef and went to culinary school so he told us about some of the food how to make a good stock stuff like that. Its nice since he said he could give me some tips like how to make better pasta sauces and such. Danielle also has a degree in Anthropology so its cool because she told me about different cultures and the respects/disrespects of a few. It was a very enlightening conversation that I enjoyed with both of them. They both are super smart, super down to earth people and both Jesse and I enjoyed their company very much.

Then last night Jesse went to Guardians of the Galaxy, and that movie was very well made. Very funny and I would recommend this movie to anybody. 

But that has been just the last three days. For not socializing a lot since arriving in Red Deer, We sure made progress and I am happy about it! 

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