Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hanging out and the lobster summer party!

Today I hung out with Danielle (Lise's daughter). I have to say that it was really nice to be out of the house and hang out with other people. We just mainly talked all day, we were supposed to crochet but that didn't happen. It at least gave me the motivation to continue working on a blanket that I was redoing forever. But it was nice to just hang out with Danielle, her son Alex, who is so cute. He is such a flirt but he is so shy, when I walked in he just ran away, and was he clingy when he was over. Danielle says he is never so clingy, but all he wanted to do was be cuddly with Danielle. But it was so much fun to hang out with them all.

Then later that night we had a lobster bake. It was sooooo good. Dr. Jenkins provided all the lobster and the booze. The last time that Jesse and I even had lobster was in lethbridge at the keg when he chased me with the shell because I think that they are creepy looking. They look like things that should be off alien vs. predator. But it was cool, I got to learn how to take a lobster apart and get a work out even trying to get at the meat. There was also a potluck and all the food that they brought was really good. All the nurses came, some surgical processors, some Dr's and our managers came. It was cute because Dr. Ryan brought his two little daughters and they are just sweet as sweet could be. They look exactly like him. But it was fun, I got to try some different kinds of wine. I liked this cupcake one and a few red wines I like, also I tried some different beers too like Alexander Keith's india pale ale. We went with Lise, her husband and Alyssa (she just got back into her full time position, she took a leave of absence). 

And after the lobster bake, we just talked at Lise's house for about an hour afterward about funny stuff that happened at work. It was fun to have a good laugh and relax, Jesse laughed too it was good to see him laugh after he hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. 

But I am so grateful for my department and I love them so much I had such a great time and I am proud to be part of the endo team! 

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