Friday, May 8, 2015

Going back home for awhile!

On the April long weekend (long time since then I know..) Jesse and I decided to go back to lethbridge. We were going because my grandma got rid of this beautiful bench and instead of my mom keeping it she decided to give it to Jesse and I. Anyways we went down in the truck to pick this gorgeous bench up (keep this in your mind throughout the whole story). 

When we went down we met my mother's new cat as well. Her name is Seven because she has 7 toes on one of her paws (she has more toes than anyone ever needs) she is a Mancoon cat, and she has six toes on every paw EXCEPT the paw that has 7 in the front. She is a very petite smaller breed, she was quite apprehensive in the beginning when we first came. Jesse really bonded with her good and he got her to come out. She LOOVES to be loved, she loves to be petted and hated charlie at first. She is good at hissing and she is very well behaved. She does not go on the couches, counters, anything. She also was declawed. It was nice seeing my mom have a new cat and not a kitten, I knew she wouldn't have the energy to train the new kitten etc. So that was Seven. 

When we were there also we got to go to one of my favourite restaurants ever called Mocha Cabanas. We all just shared sweet potato fries and pasta salad since their portions are so large. We really enjoyed our time there. 

Mom and I also went shopping quite a bit too. I got pants at value village some stuff at bath and body works and at old navy. Jesse and I also got to see furious 7 while there. 

We got to spend some time with my grandma as well she had made a roast beef dinner and we brought appetizers being stuffed mushrooms and a cheese plate.

Anyways the crappy thing that happened was the truck broke down. When we would drive it around we would hear this crackling on the back, and it sounded like a short or something. We took the truck for a car wash and then after that the truck started to shake really bad. Jesse and I knew that there was no way we could have gone back to Red Deer that following Monday. We had to take it to Tom and Jerry's to get it services. It turns out that all of our u-joints were out, we had a leak on the brakes and our brakes in the back actually cracked…needless to say we really were not going to go anywhere. Our repair shop even said that they would not let it out of the shop if we had not gotten it fixed it was THAT bad! So after many $$$ later we finally got it all better and went back to Red Deer.

But needless to say after having the truck break down, there were two great things that happened on this trip 1. I got to spend time with my amazing family and 2. We now have better fuel economy on the truck because it doesn't pull anymore!

But that was my april long weekend! 

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