Monday, January 30, 2017


We are pregnant! Yes, you heard it right pregnant! I had this illness back in November that kicked my butt, after this illness I never ever felt good. Then I got this horrendous breakout on my chin, I am not taking a mini pimple it was cystic it could have been my twin that sprouted out later in life, just horrendous. My coworker at work said that with her first she had broken out on her chin, and already having pregnancy tests at home and decided to take a test. The test took over the amount of time to develop but I saw a line. I am pretty good at taking pregnancy tests and I have NEVER had a positive line ever. I had bought 2 more pregnancy kits and they ALL were positive with a faint line. Which was on December 17. The following tuesday we went to the dr. and he confirmed the test that I was 100% pregnant, and that the estimated due date was september 5 2017. I couldn't believe it! I told nearly everybody at work because I couldn't believe that I was going to be a mother. I waited till christmas ever to tell my mother. We went through this horrible snowstorm to go back to lethbridge in order to tell my mom but we told her and my grandma and sister over christmas! They were all so excited! Fast forward to now, last thursday I had my first ultrasound and the estimated due date is now August 26th. At first I was freaking out and now I cannot wait to have my own family with Jesse. I love this little bean more than life and cannot wait to feel movements. My pregnancy had not been that bad either so far, nausea, mood swings being the worst. But feeling ok for the most part!

Monday, January 2, 2017

OUR WEDDING ~ Reception ~

When we got back from our photos. It was the reception, of course once we got there Sarah had drinks in hand, we were drinking blue hawaiians almost the whole night! Sarah and Mark first went in then it was us, being announced as the new MR. and MRS.! Before the dinner started my Uncle Chris gave the blessing on the food, which I really respected as having grown up being a mormon! After the blessing we expected to go up with everyone to get our food but Mark had arranged for our dinners to be delivered to us which was a really sweet gesture! Jesse still ended up going up to get food because he helped Saphire get her plate of food, and man had he ever made a big plate for Saphire but she was able to eat it all!

When everyone got their food in order for people to not clink glasses for a kiss, Mark came up with a better game, you had to knock a beer can over with a tennis ball (the same balls that are in Julie's purse haha) on the end of pantyhose that swings between your legs to knock the can over. At first people were hesitant to go up and try it. Then people got really into it and Jesse's plan to eat his steak
in peace backfired haha. We were constantly kissing between bites of steak. haha.

After the dinner we had the speaches. My mom gave a speech, Sarah gave a speech, Holly gave a speech, Grandma gave a speech, then mark invited anyone else to come up and give a speech. My Uncle Chris did a lovely speech on how grateful he is for Jesse, and my Uncle Norman gave a speech as well. It was great, great advice from everyone and love!

After that was our first dance which was to burning houses by cam, we had the mother daughter dance which was crazy little thing by michael buble and the mother son dance which was to simple man by lynard skinnard. Our wedding party dance was to let it go, which got everyone on the floor and had fun! The dance part was great! Along with the cocktails it got blurred in my mind, but we were all going in and out the whole night. It was great fun!