Saturday, June 6, 2020

4 months - may in quarantine/ isolation

To update on Ross specifically, Ross at this time we have no idea on his weight or height as dr appointments are still not allowed in person, or at the shot appointments. He is wearing 6 month 6-12 month clothing. He began to teeth at 4 months, fully flips over and can kind of army crawl. His hair is officially turning red like his sister. He only really loves his mommy and his sister. He is such a chill baby minus being put down and baths! He is beginning to smile all the time, blows raspberries and giggles quite often. He began to hold objects by himself and even grabbed for a steak knife when mommy was eating dinner one night! 
Daddy during this time got laid off from his job and was able to help with even more projects around the house. This time we painted the kitchen, we ordered new windows and doors. We also tore down our shed and fence and are getting new ones.
Daddy traded in his car for a truck since the car was too tiny for everyone. It’s the same model as mommy’s truck but everything is blacked out. 
We visited great grandma in grande cache and went on our first big road trip. It was hard to visit her as we had to wear masks and we had to maintain a distance of over 6 feet. It’s really hard to not walk up and hug a loved one you haven’t seen in a long time. Our visit was a surprise to her and everyone cried because she was so happy to see us. We also visited cousins in Calgary, Macy had a ton of fun visiting with them and socializing with other kids. 

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