Saturday, June 6, 2020

3 months - our first pandemic

What a crazy time this past month has been! We are experiencing our first worldwide pandemic from Covid19 or better known as the Coronavirus. When I was ready to step back into the world and felt human as a parent of 2. The whole world stopped. March 14th dr. Deena henshaw our chief medical officer of Alberta closed down the schools a few days later closed all non essential businesses. We are ordered to stay in our houses and new terms such as “social distancing” and “physical distancing” is being used.
All appointments at the drs office is closed and at Ross’s vaccinations due to distancing measures wasn’t able to get his weight. So I bought a digital scale and at nearly 3 months old he is 15lbs. 
During quarantine we have done a few things around the house so far we have repainted the kids room, we painted our upstairs, got new couches and a coffee table. I got Macy a swing set for free so we are able to utilize the “park” as all the parks are closed too. I dyed my hair pink which I always wanted to try and dyed moms hair also. Hers turned out more purple than pink. We have painted the window a few times to bring smiles on peoples faces as they drive by. We have had dance parties, painting parties.
During this time, it’s taught us a lot. To enjoy Time at home and to create activities with Macy not outside the home. To really be her parent and to embrace toddlerhood. To embrace the mess and enjoy the quiet. To create date nights without eating out or going to movies. To really enjoy cooking and baking again. I have really enjoyed this time on quarantine and will never regret going out again. 

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