Monday, June 18, 2018

8 months!

We are loud and we are proud this month! Macy talks non stop and borderline we can't tell if it is happy screams or mad screams! She can officially say mama and ba ba. She is eating everything, yogurt is her favorite but she tries everything from chocolate to certain vegetables. She loves to jump, laugh, LOVES swimming still. Her favorite people are mama, grandma and daddy! She is a pro roller at this time and never has the patience to even complete a full diaper change before flipping, when she flips she can get up on all 4s and crawl backwards. She is still the biggest grunter for everything especially when she tries to reach for anything. She still has 0 teeth but teething is going strong all the time! 
Trips and Outings:
We travelled down south to Lethbridge for a week to go help grandma to pack to move up with us and to visit great grandma! We went to this rummage sale that everything is free with great grandma, we had lots of fun there! We had lots of fun with great grandma and she gave us a doll with a tiny potty. We got to visit with an old coworker of Mommy's Kayla with her son Jackson. We also went for coffee with grandma's friend Juanita and we loved her! It was great to catch up! We said goodbye to some of the great areas of Lethbridge, like the museum and stan siwik the swimming pool that mom took swimmings lessons at as a kid! Mommy enjoyed her time with grandma and enjoyed restaurants that are not in the red deer area such as Marble slab and Mocha Cabanas.

We enjoyed celebrating Aubrey Ann's first birthday with her momma Ashley at treehouse! We loved enjoying ball pits, went on the boat ride and went down the slides with momma.
Exciting things:
Macy got her ears pierced by Jesse's Aunt Holly on our trip down south in Brooks, she was not happy getting it done but she survived! After about 20 minutes after she was back to her happy normal self after getting them done! 

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enjoying her yogurt!

not even enough patience for a full diaper change before rolling! 

Happy birthday Aubrey! With her Auntie Rachel at treehouse! 
with mommy on the rocking boat! 

Mommy teaching Macy how to be a hard negotiator..never accept less than the best! 

Mommy's new whip! 

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