Monday, June 18, 2018

9 months!

Our little Macy Moo turned 9 months not that long ago! We had our 9 month doctor check up and she weighs 18.5 lbs and is 27 inches long! Was awfully hard to get her to stay still during her appointment as she still hates to be laying down completely, she still thinks she is going for a nap every time! She is loud and proud! When we go out or we are on the phone most people ask if she is having happy screams or upset screams! 90% of the time they are happy screams! She still has 0 teeth but has continuously been teething hard since 4 months! I think that her eye teeth will pop through soon as well as some others! Her comfort toys are her bath toys, always loves to have them in her mouth at all times anywhere! She officially clapped her hands together this month after Mommy and Nana tried to get her to clap her hands all the time! She loves bath time still and she pulled herself up in the tub for the first time in the tub, man was she proud of herself! She had bouts of separation anxiety from me when being around other people! She was attached to my hip almost the whole month! She began to notice that people come in all different shapes, sizes and ages! Her favorite age group to watch is still 5-10 year olds, they make her giggle the most! 
Trips and outings:
We had quite a few outings this month! We went to the zoo for the first time with our friends ryker and Ivy. We enjoyed seeing the peacocks the most as they were not caged in and you could pet them! We went on lots of walks with friends and hung out with wally, Maely, etc. We attended Maely's first birthday party and splashed in the water, enjoyed the other babies! 
We stayed the weekend at Michelle and Burts where we had tons of babysitters to help with us! We spend the whole long weekend there and we enjoyed all the kids that helped us out! All the kids helped bounce Macy gently on the trampoline. 
We got our pooch Cooper this month as well, off an acreage in Edmonton, he loves Macy just as much as we do! 
We got to see Grandma Karen for a few days, trying to help her find a job! 
We also went up to Edmonton to go visit Aunt Sarah, Uncle Jeremiah, Brock and Angel! Uncle Jeremiah was a natural and took care of her most of the time! They spoiled us by buying her a super cute minnie mouse hat and buying socks since her toes were cold! 
With Ryker at the zoo

After a walk with our friend Wally

With our favorite babysitter Shayza

Our other favorite babysitter Alana

She loved waffles

Our dog cooper on the way home! 
with Mommy at the zoo with the giraffe in the back 

At the mall with both our grandmas! 

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