Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Ross Christopher Russell

Ross Christopher Russell was born in January 16 2020. The week leading up to his birth I had a ton of false labor with him, going in a few times to get checked. I fully lost my
Mucus plug on the Friday before and really thought I would have him by the following Monday. The Tuesday I woke up at 8 am and didn’t feel well. Around 430 I started getting very strong contractions while exercising at 630 pm we decided to go to the hospital to get checked. It was official I got admitted to the hospital as I was 4 cm dilated, we decided to stay at the hospital and do stairs, walk around to help my labor progress. An hour later I was fully effaced but I had not dilated at all. We decided to do more walking but this time we went home to labor at home for a few hours. At 1030 pm we went back to the hospital and I was 5 cm dilated so got to go to the delivery room since I needed antibiotics before his birth. While in the room my labor stopped so I asked the nurse if I was able to walk around the unit to hopefully make my labor progress more. Around 1 am I really got uncomfortable and asked to labor in the tub I was approximately 6 cm at this time. The labor in the tub got really intense and luckily Jesse was a great support and I just asked him to stand in front of me while I pulled his hand down to help “ground” a contraction. It wasn’t long after at 1130 that I wanted to go and have an epidural. The night I went into labor it was -58 with the wind chill and the anesthesiologist was doing 2 c sections before she would be able to give me an epidural. The labor was really hard, jesse was still amazing and again I just sat at the edge of the bed and pulled his hand down with both my hands to “ground” the contractions. Finally at around 1 30 am I was able to get an epidural, she shot my back 10 times with lidocaine to numb my back. She then tried 3 times to get the epidural catheter into my back. I got a contraction that was so bad that I couldn’t even feel the catheter go into my spine at this point she asked if that was a “pushing” contraction. It was but I was so resilient to not give birth naturally that I lied and said no I don’t feel like I have to push so I could get the epidural. My epidural didn’t end up taking anyway. Right after she was done at 245 am. I was already 10 cm and ready to push. I had a resident dr. Thomas, a family physician dr. Greig, my labor nurse Heidi and jesse help deliver him. The pushing was hard getting his head out was easy but delivering the shoulders really hurt. At 333 am he was born into the world. I guess when he was born he was completely black and Jesse knew he wasn’t alive at that point. I guess the nurse was giving him cpr while he was on my chest. A few nicu nurses were there and took him to reassess him and get him
Breathing. I saw him begin to get colour quickly and he peed on the nurse to make sure to let them know he was ok haha. They said he was 6 lbs 15 oz and 17 inches long. I was in complete shock, my dr said I was measuring 2 and a half weeks ahead so to prepare for a 9 lb baby. Since the epidural didn’t take I was able to get up half an hour later and shower take my things to recovery. I didn’t tear at all with him and he was observed in nicu for a few hours since he was a bit “grunty”. My delivery with him was so massively different from Macy’s. I was calm, the contractions hurt so bad but I was strong through them and focused on the end of the
Contraction. we are so grateful this sweet little being chose us and that he blessed his mom by coming early at 39+2 weeks. I am extremely proud of my body for going into labor naturally and pretty much delivering him
Naturally since that was not part of my birth plan. We love him so much already 💙

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