Thursday, April 9, 2020

first month as a complete family πŸ’•

The next few following weeks was the real work. We found Macy a dayhome to go to 2 times a week that has a preschool program so she’s able to socialize with other kids and learn things to get her ready for school. Her new dayhome mama’s name is Andrea and she had a great time there. The first day she had the typical reaction where she was fine until we went to pick her up and she got really emotional when she realized we actually left her there alone.
Ross got his circumcision and I think that was the hardest decision making as a parent. Borderline I thought it was selfish to make him go through that pain for cosmetic reasons but better now than later. It eventually healed and he was fine. At that appointment they weighed him and he was 7 lbs 12 oz! Little chunk! He also grew about 2 inches but I think it’s hard to get their height at that age since they curl up so much. 
As a tradition within the first month of any of our kids being born, with Macy my car got totalled and with Ross the furnace needed a new blower motor. Our Xbox upstairs also died, which we heavily rely on for Macy’s music. Both were very expensive unexpected fixes.
My post partum recovery was harder than I thought and Jesse ended up staying home a bit longer this time to make sure I was ok. I had no tearing, but my bleeding has been heavier this time around and I haven’t felt great. I actually took a few days to really rest and bond with baby Ross.
We celebrated jesses birthday with going to a family friends house for a pizza night and a game night. It was a lot of fun but it was hard due to the lack to sleep. 
Ross always cluster feeds at night and it’s very questionable each night how much sleep we are able to get. One of the worst nights he only slept for half an hour since I ate something that hurt my stomach, so it hurt his as well.
Macy has been retaliating a tiny bit and hits, throws tantrums a bit more but she still thoroughly enjoys listening to her music.
She is expanding her interests with music and now likes “get back up again” from trolls. She loves “into the Unknown” from frozen 2. The whole frozen soundtrack and the whole Moana soundtrack. She loves to hop and scream to the songs all day long! 

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