Friday, October 25, 2013

Red Deer, Kitty, and halfway done

Finally, I am getting around to this blog. It has been awhile since these events have happened. Lots have is the end of the month, which means all I have is exams again. So its a very stressful time. Jesse has been trying to find a job again after getting laid off from this shut down in again stressful. 

We went to Red deer to pick up the chevy cavalier that I talked about in my previous blog. Mom came along with us to bring my car home, I was so proud of her she drove deer foot all by herself! Especially since driving that road is so scary. But while we were in red deer and picked up the car we went to the mall to just hang out to let Jesse sleep. I went into target for the first time and it is really cool being in there, they have really good prices..why can't lethbridge have one? 

Then we went to go look around the rest of the mall. I got a free massage from a place that was promoting their company, it was a really good massage, it was nice because she used her palms as opposed to her fingers. It was very relaxing and nice, it got out a lot of the kinks that were in my back and neck. Then we went into bath and body works and they were giving out a free travel size lotion for anyone that entered the store, so free lotion is always nice. 

Then we went home again..That is about it. 

But guess what people? I beat my fear of driving...I actually like driving..can you believe that? I like it. I got over it, after watching mom drive through Calgary I told myself that Lethbridge driving. is not that bad, and I shouldn't complain, the traffic could be way worse.

But to introduce people to my car...
She is a 1994..not 87..chevy cavalier and I love her. She drives perfectly...pretty good for 250 right? and she doesn't look like a granny car which I love, only thing it really needs is a stereo. 

sleeping love bug...awww 

Also I am halfway done school..yay!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sad? Happy? just a bunch of mixed emotions...


I had to throw out all of my stain slides in bio..I understand we can't keep them forever because there are dangerous bacteria on them, but still they are all such hard work. I was so tempted to just go in there after class and take them, but I knew I couldn't I knew I would get sick. 
Also It would have been really cool to get a picture of all my slides but I wasn't able to..sad face..but for now this little picture below will give an idea of what they look like, but still all my hard work.... 


Jesse might be coming home in a few days yay! and better yet he is giving me an early christmas very own beater! I know I talked about the Jimmy but it was just falling apart, it was horrible and we sold it to someone and made a return on it so it was good for our bank. But he is getting me a 1987 chevy cavalier and the colour is green and rust...*crickets*...yeah I know, sounds like a horrible car. But we are not spending lots of money on it so if I crash it, it will only damage my insurance. 

SO hopefully we will have a pic of that for next time...until something again happens..

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

College tests...and hard work going down the drain

Last week I had my first college test, and I did so well. I was stressing out so bad over it, but in the end I got an 83 on it, which I think is really good considering that the class average was 71. This week too there are going to be tons of exams and college exams really are not that bad if you listen to what the teacher says will be on the exam. 

But the sad part about this about being tested and graded is that some of our work is just thrown out. For example, in our Microbiology lab, we made all these slides, stained them and now we have to throw them out. I am so tempted to go to the lab and steal one just so that I can remember that I made them. Me, myself and I made them. The coolest slide that I made was the nigrosin stain because it looked like the bacteria was glowing in the stain.
But sadly we have to throw them out because we have bacteria on them that could be very harmful to other people...bummer eh? But it was a cool experience none the less. 

Last week, Jesse also went away to a shut down for 24 days. It was sad, but your love's have to do what they have to do to make money. 

That has pretty much been my last few weeks. 

Until something somewhat interesting happens....stay tuned.