Wednesday, October 9, 2013

College tests...and hard work going down the drain

Last week I had my first college test, and I did so well. I was stressing out so bad over it, but in the end I got an 83 on it, which I think is really good considering that the class average was 71. This week too there are going to be tons of exams and college exams really are not that bad if you listen to what the teacher says will be on the exam. 

But the sad part about this about being tested and graded is that some of our work is just thrown out. For example, in our Microbiology lab, we made all these slides, stained them and now we have to throw them out. I am so tempted to go to the lab and steal one just so that I can remember that I made them. Me, myself and I made them. The coolest slide that I made was the nigrosin stain because it looked like the bacteria was glowing in the stain.
But sadly we have to throw them out because we have bacteria on them that could be very harmful to other people...bummer eh? But it was a cool experience none the less. 

Last week, Jesse also went away to a shut down for 24 days. It was sad, but your love's have to do what they have to do to make money. 

That has pretty much been my last few weeks. 

Until something somewhat interesting happens....stay tuned.

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