Tuesday, December 24, 2013

CHRISTMAS! (well technically christmas eve...still can't wait to open presents!)

Today was our christmas in our house because tomorrow is Jesse and my day together that is my christmas present to ourselves..Some alone time! But we opened our presents today, we ate junk, we went to grandmas, you know all the crap you do on christmas day we just rewinded and did it on the eve of christmas. 

Well we opened our presents to each other. Jesse got pretty much the same things that I did a mug, a gift card to timmy's (mom's enabling our addiction!) Some pj's by his favorite brand of cola...you know it..its the pepsi. He got some stocking stuffers such as bacon flavored mints, and he got some sweaters and a house coat from yours truly. 

We got mom a watch a phone book..since she lost hers. She got pj's herself and pretty much the same as us. 

After we opened presents we went to Smitty's for some breakfast. Mom had some eggs and pancakes, I had eggs benedict (craving for like 8 months but I just never got around to it) and Jesse got a beef dip. 

Later on we went to grandmas, and we helped her move her freezer, we changed the TV from her room into the living room since hers strangely stopped working...which is weird. We played  crokinole (had to google how to spell that) and Jesse completely annihilated us. He had the highest score of us all and grandma was surprised how competitive he was. Grandma got us some fun stuff too like a gift card to the movie mill, and lots of chocolates (got to try merci chocolates for the first time and I think I have a new favorite) It was so much fun, later we went to go check out Sweet Ideas which moved to behind my grandmothers building it had so much cool stuff. They had the biggest jaw breaker I have ever seen...and the most expensive. 

But that was pretty much our christmas it was small, it was perfect and I couldn't have wished for anything more expect for my sister being here, which she will be in January. So although in the last few weeks, I thought that christmas would be ruined by everything that has happened, but just by these two days it has been the best ever! Lets hope that that streak continues and that it will lead up to a good new year!

Merry christmas everybody! 

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