Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy new years...and New year Commitments!

Happy new years everyone! What is everyone's resolution or solution to the year or commitment? What is mine you ask?

1. I want to stop stressing myself out too much when I feel like I am getting angry to fast..I just need to count to three and let it go. I need to find my balance this year, and be the sweet girl that I know I am. 

2. I need to learn to appreciate the things that I have. Everyone always more or wants bigger things but we do not realize the things that we have in our life and the things that we take for granted. Maybe I can do some volunteer work this year to learn to appreciate the things I have more. 

3. Be healthy. Everyone has a resolution to lose weight lose weight lose weight. But my goal is to be healthy both in body and in mind. I want to feel like myself again, I would like to fit back into some of my "skinny" clothes and learn to love myself again by doing things that will make me healthy. 

4. I want to accomplish everything that I set out for myself last year that I began to embark upon. Such as graduating my program, excelling in my practicum, getting my driver's license, going to Edmonton and saving up for the car of my dreams. 

Those are my resolutions this year and I wish everyone a merry 2013 and hope to bring 2014 in with a bang, much love and appreciation for everyone in my life.

I hope you all have the best year you have ever had, I sure hope that I will. 

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