Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Future Mother in laws and Edmonton!

We went to go see Jesse's mom in Edmonton. She is currently going there for her last year of welding to become a Journeyman, just get her ticket and begin another trade. They decided to rent an apartment in Edmonton for the duration of her time there and Gord decided to work in town. We went up on the friday evening since we both missed him mom so much since she lives on the island and works in the oil field all the time. 
When we got there it was hard to find her apartment at first since it is located in something like a strip mall. There was a daycare, a dance studio and a convenient store that was attached to this apartment. We eventually did find it after Jesse's mom waved us down from the street! When we got there she was already gooned and wanted to party! She tried to get us going too, but we were so tired. She thinks we are 70 years old haha. 
The funny thing is that she had a good nest on the top of her apartment building and she kept on saying this kid would scream goose. I thought it was cute, but not really believing that there was a real goose nest on their roof. But there was a real goose nest there! Saturday morning we woke up to Geese just honking away like a rooster would, it was god awful! But again hilarious! Then we followed her around doing errands, she had to get slabs of metal to practice her welds for an midterm exam in her welding class. If she had failed those tests she would not have been able to continue her class. 
We ate out at Boston pizza and they decided to do VLTS between her and Gord they had won about 1000 dollars that day. I was feeling lucky too and tried my go at VLTS, but I didn't win anything. I just watched as Jesse's mom kept on winning 250 dollars at a time. It was nice though that they paid for our lunch for us. 

It was a great time bonding with my future mother in law and look forward to seeing her again! Maybe next time not so much eating out though..

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