Sunday, May 15, 2016


My cousin Sarah invited me up for a girls weekend in Edmonton sometime last month. It was nerve wrecking because it would be my first time driving to Edmonton by myself without Jesse driving. I really wanted to prove to myself that I could do it, because Jesse just might not always be around to drive me places etc. especially when we have children. The drive was great to Edmonton, I only missed 1 turn and in return it made my travel better. I was so proud that I was able to do the drive by myself. It was sweet because Jeremiah was worried about my driving, since he didn't know if I had driven by myself to Edmonton before, sarah was worried as well but I conquered it!

We decided to go over to my other cousin Brock's house and there I got to meet Angel his fiance. She is super nice and funny! We played a card game that was similar to cards against humanity and she gave us a little preview of what a Passion party would be like, the types of lotions, the toys, etc. (I even got to buy some stuff too) 

Sarah and I later went back to her house and we stayed up practically the whole night talking and watching girlie movies that our men would not want to watch with us. It was fun!

The next day we decided to go shopping, we went to South Common at forever 21, urban planet, etc. Sarah taught me this great trick at Sephora though, she told me to lie about my wedding being in a week and that my make up artist quit on me. They then will show you techniques for free! Sometimes I just love to work the system! It was great because I got to learn a new technique for my wedding and again it is for free. I used it back home in Red Deer too, it is a fantastic technique to learn new makeup skills! 

And that was our girls weekend! It was fabulous, it was fun and it was nice to get away for awhile and spend it with my cousins! 

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