Tuesday, September 25, 2018

8 months

update: Macy moo is 8 months! Still 0 teeth, she got her ears pierced this month it hurt mamas heart a bit but its done! She is a pro roller and began to crawl backwards, she could crawl in a circle! She keeps on getting louder and louder! Her hair began to come in and is more like a mohawk than anything! 
trips and outings: This month mama traded in her jeep for a dodge journey -a 7 seater - to prepare for possible future siblings! We went to treehouse with our friends Aubrey and celebrated her birthday there! We went down to Lethbridge to visit grandma P and grandma Jean! We got to meet Holly and she pierced her ears! We got to go visit Julie and Mark and their youngings, who adore her! 
We met Char Ivy and Ryker at a easter event where she got to decorate an egg, make a mask and made our first picture with the help of mommy of course! We also had our first trip to the zoo! Macy didn't really understand what was going on but Mom had so much fun seeing the sights! 

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