Saturday, February 2, 2013


Ok so this week alone I went to:
1. Mama..had to run out of the theatre it was so scary. 
2. The hobbit (3d)..was Jesse's 23rd birthday that day.
3. Hansel and Gretel (awesome beyond gore scenes I have seen in awhile)

and lastly:
4. This is 40..seriously freaking awesome. I laughed throughout the whooole movie, even some of the sad parts were funny as hell. 

As well as these few events that have happened the past few days:

Did a bit of shopping...
Had the stomach flu...
did a bit more of shopping..
vomitted a bit more because of the stomach flu..
got made fun of for not saying that there were many people with dodge cars and trucks in lethbridge by Jesse. 

Got to spend more time with Jesse which is awesome beyond seriously. The most fun I have had in the last few days. 

and lastly I got my nose pierced! And by Mickey too! I knew him from high school from the culture club and he is hilarious. He made Jesse, me and Mikki laugh the whole freaking time...he really is great. So if you want a piercing do it by Mickey at Jaded downtown yo! 

And my sister was so wrong about the piercing. She said to imagine the most exruciating pain that you will ever be in..and that was how a nose piercing should feel. Like legit it felt better than getting a needle in your arm. But it was weird getting used to it but now I am. 

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