Monday, April 22, 2013

Saphire, movies and friends

So the last week my boyfriend and I were taking care of his niece Saphire. She is the sweetest little girl ever. There are a few good things that came from her visit
1. I no longer hate Jesse's driving since she always thinks it is "fun"
2. Made me want to have babies even more.
3. Enjoyed having her around and it was good to have her around because Charly was missing the other cats (we got rid of ginger and minnie to a friend of Jesse's from the oil field) 

This whole ordeal started out with Jesse and I taking Minni and Ginger to Calgary since we were giving them away to his friend. His friend also has a dog and Ginger's face when she saw this dog. Her face was like "WTF...I have never seen one of you before..ever.." But the drive up with the cats was fine. Minnie was fine and ginger just had her face right down in the kennel (obviously you could tell she was pissed the f*&* out). 

Since we dropped off the cats we decided to go see Jesse's sister and we decided to take Saphire then instead of picking her up on the Wednesday.(we picked her up saturday instead of the wedns. ) Anyways we took a nap and then drove home. It started to blizzard outside and his sister offered for us to stay at their house. Luckily we didn't though because the next day it was like a foot of snow outside in Lethbridge. I couldn't even imagine what it was like in Calgary. 

Anyways with Saphire we played a lot, we went swimming..where we saw my friend Brittany Leavitt, we asked to borrow her water wings so that Saphire could go in the deeper pool with us. But we ended up using this floating fish thing that babies can sit in. But man was she grumpy all throughout that swim trip though, the only time she smiled was when her Uncle went off the diving board. But it was fun to swim. I forgot how much of a workout it was! 

Then for the rest of the week, we went to a few movies (admission..good movie, GI joe...good movie), hung out with a few friends. My friend Brittany, and Christina. 

The movie that we went to tonight though was Oblivion.

Guys..telling movie ever. It is a mix between star wars and star trek. And the drones are a mix between R2D2 and eva from Wall-e. 

Seriously best movie in awhile. At the end I started to cry a little bit. 

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