Monday, April 29, 2013


So today we cleaned up the hoarding mess that my boyfriend and I created in our room. It is so nice to have our room completely clean and all the laundry done as well! So thanks to mikaela for helping!

But anyways in the last few days I got a job at 711 I start on tuesday so that is good. It is the first time in a long time that I got hired on the spot, I haven't been hired on the spot except for my first job at Taco time when I was 14. But I am excited to start, only downside is that I have to take out my nose ring but I found an alternative to is called a nose retainer and it is a clear piece of plastic that makes your nose piercing look virtually invisible. So that way I can still keep my nose piercing and work there. 

But that is the update for now. Tomorrow we are going to go job hunting for mikaela and then finish cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom hopefully. 

But anyways have a good night! 

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