Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Kotarah comes to visit and Jesse starts school

Jesse has started school. the long 8 weeks has officially begun and he is doing good. he really enjoys his teachers, especially his shop teacher, she always makes sure he is doing something, in general he just likes the teachers since they are willing to help him. He already has done a test and he got 95 on the test, so I hope that his grades will continue to do good. 

Kotarah came to visit us. The first week she stayed at Joyanne's and this week I saw her twice. The first time was on sunday and we played Quelf and exchanged christmas gifts she gave me the book The Wealthy Barber, who was written by a guy that is on one of my favorite tv shows called Dragon's Den.  

The second day I met her downtown after my dentist appointment. She was having lunch with her friend at The Penny, and we went to the mall, we had some taco time and looked around the mall. Then I showed her the drunken sailor and then we went back to her place. She is staying in this nice basement suite that her friend owns, so its nice that she has her own space. 

While I was downtown waiting on my sister, I went into this small shop called Ten thousand villages, it is a store that promotes fair trade and has all these interesting things from around the world. One thing in particular that I thought was cool was that they had different nativities that are from around the world, since it was so far from Christmas most of their nativities were on sale so I bought mom one that was from Peru. I thought it was cool because they sent the piece of paper telling the origins of it and explaining some of the colours etc. I bought it for mom as an early christmas gift and she loved it. 

When we got home, Jesse opened his early birthday present which was a coffee mug with a holder since he needed one. He was using one that mom's friend had given her that was purple and had flowers all over it. He was ridiculed at school for it so its nice that now he has this own coffee mug. 

But until next time! Good luck ;) 

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