Tuesday, February 18, 2014


It was family day weekend and I had monday off of my practicum! We decided to go to a few movies on monday, one with my mom and the other with my boyfriend. Mom and I went to go see Saving Mr. Banks and it was a really great movie, it was really heartfelt. The pace was slow but it was nicer, seeing as I only really watch action films now or comedies but it was very good. 

The other show that I went to was with Jesse and we went to go see Jack Ryan: Shadow recruit. It was ok, the plot was different from every other CIA movie. It involved a public massacre with finances instead of weapons ( well there still was an attack but the finance part made it better). 

It just was irritating going to the movie because the first movie a person kept on kicking my chair while in the other there was a person point a laser at the screen the whole time, it was so irritating. So I think that I will avoid going to the movies for awhile after this.

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