Saturday, February 1, 2014


Tonight was my sister's "goodbye" potluck for her and some friends tonight and I was invited. The people that went were Joyanne, Sera Johson, Miles, Chris Rowley, Amy and Naomi and later on Karen Knight came over with her service dog that she was training. It was nice to see all of my sister's old friends and I forgot how funny some of them were. Some of them travelled to come over such as Sera and Miles, they were coming from Calgary so they were a little bit late and when I got there Chris Rowley was already over. 

There mostly was just dessert type foods at the potluck such as fruit salad, Quinoa puffs, this chocolate square thing, etc. It was all very good but it was nice to go home and have a burger after. 

While we were there they played Quelf and mom got her fortune told or should I say unfortunate?

Quelf was, well quelf and was ridiculous. Amy had to wear tissue on her head like a mummy, and Naomi had to bark at anyone that was not a player that got within 15 ft. of the board. When mom got her fortune read by my sister through Tara cards, her fortunes were horrible. It said that this year she will make mistakes, she will not find love but to not worry because everything will be fine. So pretty much she is going to have a shit year haha it was just funny to listen to because each and every one was pretty much depressing except only two of the fortunes. She used a Tara deck that was from Russian Gyspy's I think? She got it at Josee's downtown which sells things such as this, crystals and essential oils so they centre around things like this. 

Later on after we went home, we had burgers which were really good and then we watched the movie The Croods. It was really good, It was a lot more funny than I thought it would be. I find that alot of the good movies is the ones that people tend to not like that much, but it was such a funny movie and highly recommend that people go and watch it. 

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