Thursday, February 27, 2014

Practicum ~ Week 4 ~ Sterrad

Day 1 - This day I worked with Jody, she is the daughter of my mom's old visiting teacher when we lived on the north side. But today I was doing Sterrad - a low temp. type of sterilization -. It is not as busy and as complicated as autoclaving can be so its nice to have a slower week. It also is slower because not a lot of items go through sterrad, since it is not as popular as autoclaving. But it uses plasma instead of steam, and with this you have light sensitive integrators, tape, etc. Also it has different steripeeling - might I mention I rocked the steri-peel today- while doing nothing I did all gross lab stuff perfectly as well as the Sterrad stuff - so proud of myself. But this steripeel has more of a paper back, so it more easy to puncture than the regular steripeel that goes in the autoclave. But I just did hysterscopes today and I did an endoscope tele. Other than that it was just basins. Today though the talks between the coworkers were funny, especially since this one girl asked what were some movies that made us cry because I guess she cried about an episode on futurama.

Day 2 - Cake day! Lesley brought in a tradition red velvet cake with real cream cheese frosting on this day. It was sooo good, it had so much moisture and the frosting was so good. But on this day I made a critical mistake. I accidentally did not push the BI down hard enough in the pack coming out of the Sterrad machine, but it was only half pressed down and when this happens possible contamination can occur so thats what sucked but I did a lot of gross lab stuff on this day, and I am a pro at doing basins now. Jody showed me how to do the major basin which uses an square fold instead of an envelope fold, people that have been there for years would not even do it because it was so troublesome but I did it.

Day 3 - This day I had a different person that I was having all week. Today I had Elish who is the first woman I had in decontamination. It was nice having her today because she always had something for me to do. If I wasn't doing sterrad related things than she gave me retractors to do, sets to do, not just basins so it was nice. But today went smoother, I feel like I have sterrad down, I have my own system in there now and am confident in my skills in sterrad.  

Day 4 - Today I had this girl named Lindy, she had only been in the processing department for about 3 years. She was really nice, she is really tall and quiet, but one of the nicest person that I have worked with.  But she just let me do my thing and she specifically asked me if there was anything that I wanted to have more practice in and I told her I wanted to do trays so she tried to have me do as many trays as she could with the workload that was tonight. But there wasn't much tonight on the slate so it was very boring. While we were trying to find something to do Lindy found me a book to read about instruments, but not only the names but what the surgical uses for them were too so it was interesting to find out what some of the instruments are used for in surgeries. We also spent a lot of time in the dryers tonight since it was so friggin cold! It was creepy having the CPR heads in there with us though, it was like a scene from a horror movie.

Day 5 - today I was with a girl named Alex and although we really only did two loads of sterrad today she found me lots to do. First she found gave me sterili peeling certain things like Huck towels and then I wrapped or towels which got very boring but still it was something to do. I also learned today that for each sterrad load that they do it costs the department a thousand dollars so you should consider how much you put in a load. It should be pretty full to avoid wasting money which I think a lot of the other girls would do since there shouldnt have been that many loads if it costs that much. 

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