Saturday, March 22, 2014

Alumni night out and Birthday!

Tomorrow I turn 21! Yay! It may not be an exciting birthday for me this year, but it is exciting because I at least have goals! I want to be in Edmonton by the end of the summer, get my drivers license, maybe get my passport and lose weight! Who says you cant make "new year" resolutions on your birthday right? I have more motivation than I ever have. 

For my birthday my mom took me out for my birthday with Jesse to Mocha Cabanas, we had nachos, mushroom swiss burger with sweet potato fries and a white chocolate cheesecake for dessert. I also got a shirley temple for my birthday since I would always love them so much as a child. There was also music that night a country singer named Alyssa Mcquid or something but I know for sure her first name was Alyssa. It was so packed that night too, I guess there was a table of 15 and a table of 10 so our food came slowly but it was worth the wait! 

Today I went to grandmas and she gave me my present which was a tupperware container that I really liked and a box that as a kid I would beg her if I could have it when she died. I was a kid so it was all in good time but I was surprised to get that box from her and how much meaning it did have to me.  Mom gave me my birthday present later in the evening and it was a teapot/cup set that had macarons all over them, although I never tried them before I loved the set. 

Earlier in the week we went to a lethbridge college alumni event at the movie mill. You got a free movie and for 5 dollars you got a medium popcorn and drink. We went to the movie About Last Night and it was such a raunchy movie but it was so funny. I thought mom would walk out during the movie but she stayed all throughout it. It got better as it went on and there were some really funny parts in it. I would watch it again, Jesse really loved it too he seemed a bit hesitant to go to the movie since mom told him it was a romance. I was too since I don't really like those sappy movies but it was worth the free - ness of it!

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