Saturday, March 8, 2014

Practicum ~ week 5 ~ surgical suite

Day 1 - this day I had Jackie and of all the people I have had this far she is definitely the most excited, energetic, and optimistic person i have met thus far. In surgical suite we have a flash sterilizer and a steris machine that sterilizes as well. In or we have to pull the extra things for the carts such as all the steripeel stuff for surgeries and prepare the carts further for surgery. Then what we also do is get anything that the nurses need for the surgery and it is our job to top off the anesthetic carts. The break room is nicer thoufh since the drs. Nurses and us take our break in the same place. There are couches a tv a Kurieg machine and tons of coffee for people to drink but everybody is very nice so it was a good day. 

Day 2 - This day I had Dani, which Jackie says is like her twin which I could see. She was very nice as well, and its interesting how you see everybody do their tasks on their own turf. Today she let me do a few anesthetic carts by myself and we did the eyes cart, which is always scary since the draws are not very organized. But today we pulled a few carts, and then she showed me how they plan a case and send it downstairs etc. I almost got to see a C section today as well, but there were already nursing students in the room so I didn't get to see it but I was excited that I nearly got to. But today I learnt the stresses of working in the OR when the drs. constantly add new cases and then ask for very specific equipment or they add new and then reschedule them and you work so hard to do all the work to just have them cancelled. Then we had a few ARO cases today too, which is when there is an antibiotic resistant bug such as meningitis, MSAR, etc. What this means is that if a patient had a "superbug" the dr and the nurses inside are not allowed to leave the room until the case is completed. So we have to do the running that the nurses would normally do so it can get stressful. Then today we had lots of add ons as well.

Day 4 - Today I had Dani again, its nice having her because she is very chill, relaxed so its easy to get things done. But the most exciting thing today were two things 1. I got to see a c section, 2 a nurse asked for something and I knew exactly where it was.

1. I was allowed to see the last scheduled c section of the day which was very exciting. It was a lot different than what I thought. I had no idea that they had to cut into so many layers of skin in order to get the uterus, then they place the uterus ontop of their stomach to get to the baby easier, and when they cut into the uterus it was just a huuuuge gush of water that came out. Also they do not make a huge incision either so they still have to pull the baby out a bit more and have some pressure on the mom. But the baby was a girl and she was over 8 lbs so she was a big girl.

2. A nurse came out of the ortho theatre asking for a small frag. screwdriver and my perceptor was so happy that I was able to find it by myself. It made me very happy! So things are coming along, I sort of am getting used to where everything is so thats good.

Day 5 - Today I had a woman named Christina today, she is very cheerful and nice and she truly wants you to have the best education up there and I can tell.  I did very well this day because I picked items for nurses that I confidently knew where they were. They were happy that I was catching onto the work in OR so fast, and sort of remembering where things are once I have some idea where they go. One girl also told me how well I was doing, it was very reassuring to know that I was doing good, I was picking up well since I never got that downstairs before. I also got to sit in on one of the lectures that a nurse was giving to RN students. The lecture was on the procedure called a D & C it stands for dilation and curettage, it is only used for women and you can only imagine what that kind of procedure would be like. But it was interesting because she described the instruments and how their purpose in the order in which they would use them in the surgery. But I completely love it in the OR, it is a great support system up there. 

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