Saturday, March 22, 2014

Practicum ~ Week 7 ~ Day Procedures

Day one -This day I worked with a lady named Carrie. She was very nice and welcoming she showed me how to clean cystoscopes - used to view the bladder - and how to pre-clean a cataract set to send downstairs to decontamination. I also met Assunta, she was in the program last year and was lucky enough to get a full time position last June. It was nice because she understood what it was like to be a student and how it is your life at the time, you try so hard to do good because you want to do good. She showed me how to set up a cystoscope and explained to me the sterile fields and what not.

Day two -This day I worked with a lady named Jackie, she showed me how to clean gastroscopes and colonoscopes. I was amazed at how many steps there were to cleaning scopes. The whole day she just showed me how to clean the scopes, I never got to actually clean one but she showed me how to do them. Doing the scopes requires so many steps to keep them clean, and she showed me how to load them into the machines and take them out. But man when you take them out the smell is so strong, it consists of using paracetic acid and isopropyl alcohol. In general they both are very strong scents but mixed together they really burn your nose hairs. I also got to meet Kelly, also a student from last year who has a temporary part time position. Lastly I met Kerri who is the 9 to 5 girl. They all were very nice.

Day three - This day I worked with Kelly, she showed me a different method in cleaning the scopes and I got to clean about 2 scopes that day. But later in the day it got very frustrating because a man came in to fix the machines because of the water crisis last week they were acting all funny this week and kept on failing. Anyways this man kept on demanding me to get things, and I was freaking out because I don't know where anything is. Then they told us to work on only one side instead of using both rooms to clean scopes so it was very busy. And man did he smell! He smelt like he hadn't showered in like a month it was gross by the end of the night I was so nauseous because of how he smelt. It was bad too because having him there just frustrated my perceptors because they still needed to get work done while having this man around ordering us to do things and not very nicely at that. He kept on screaming for more scopes, when there were none coming, but when they did come he would tell them to do them faster. It was just a headache! Another headache was that the steris machines for the cystoscopes were not working as well. They had put two cystoscopes in one machine and in the distal tip the coating would bubble over like it was a blister! And worst of all it happened two times in a row! So they were down two cystoscopes as well. Just another headache.

Day Four - This day I was with Kerri, she is the cutest shortest and nicest girl that I have met. She just let me do a scope right when I started because I hadn't cleaned a lot of them thus far. She let me find my routine in which to clean my scope and I cleaned about 4 or 5 of them. It was a pretty constant day though and she showed me how to do the end of the night clean up and what to do with the machines at the end of the night. It was just a very relaxing day. 

Day five - This day I was with Assunta and we cleaned a few cystoscopes, no cataracts though since they do not do them on fridays. But we took down some minor surgery trays and prepared them to go down to decontamination, and she continued to show me how to set up a sterile field for the cystoscopes. She also showed me how you close down for the day and it was nice because she let me go early at about 4.

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