Monday, November 17, 2014

Mom came to visit!

Over the past week, last week my mom came into town to come visit me. It kind of was an inconvenient time though since I caught the works viral cold. It was horrible, you coughed non-stop, had a fever that could hardly be controlled and just felt miserable. The monday I even called in sick even though I really hate to do that, and I was planning on cleaning up my house before my mom came but that monday I could hardly move from my bed. But that night she came at about 10 o'clock at night on the greyhound so we made her some food.

The next day she helped me clean my house a bit since I was so miserably sick. We then ordered pizza from Dino's here in red deer since they do not have on in lethbridge. We had the chef's special, which pretty much had everything on it and we had the donair pizza (so good, it had real lettuce and tzaziki on it). That day we just pretty much chilled at home. 

The next day I attempted to go to work but ended up going home early. I was coughing too hard and even with medicine I could not contain my fever. 

The following day though I felt much better and mom and I went to Cora's for breakfast, since no one would go to Cora's with her since apparently it is too expensive..which it is not...but it is hard to get a place unless you go super early in the morning. When we went I got a fruit bowl to share some hot water and lemon and lastly a chocolate brioche french toast. Mom got this massive nutella banana filled crepe. It was literally the size of my arm. After that we went shopping at Walmart, I bought some long johns so the walk from my car to the hospital will be more enjoyable during the winter, a winter jacket, a warm sweater (so that I won't take Jesse's as much anymore) and some hobo gloves. After that we went to get our hair done at first choice haircutters our girl's name was Caitlin and let me tell you...she was good..but she was slow. Normally I have a window for how long I allow people to touch me, including Jesse and she worked on my hair for about 45 minutes, normally I only like when people work on my hair for about 20 minutes then I am good. But she took forever, she did a great job and its as short as I wanted it to be but it took forever. 

Then over the next few days after that we just sat at home and watched Gilmore girls since that is one of the shows that my mom loved and I loved as a child to watch. 

Then the last day we went to the Red Deer Museum and we checked it out and what its all about. It is a really nice museum just kind of confusing to know where it is. 

It was just great having my mom come to visit me, she is such a special lady in my life and I enjoyed spoiling her while she was here and although our visit wasn't all butterflies because of my illness. I enjoyed every moment of it and I realize I take my mother for granted more than I realize. I truly am grateful to have the lady for my mother, to have been raised by such an excellent example of a hard working, respectful and inspiring woman. I am the luckiest daughter to have such a great mother. 

That was our visit!

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