Monday, January 28, 2013

Medicine Hat

Well today obvs I went to medicine hat with Jesse. It was fun driving all the way to medicine hat with my hunnie.
 Earlier in the day he let me drive his truck again, this time I somewhat followed the rules. I tried to reverse his truck and such, I didn't look back at all. It is amazing how when you are nervous everything that you knew previously completely falls out of your head. I also tried to go faster this time and I was only at 50 and I felt like I was losing control..oh I have a long way to go.

In med hat we just chilled around, we were going to go to his storage unit to pick up a split boxspring, because the movers that had brought my brand new bed said they couldn't get it downstairs. But man were they wrong...we had victory and were able to get it downstairs. You know sometimes I really do wonder why people underestimate me, when I have the nerve I know I can do it, because...
I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky! jks

Then later on we went on a date to the firestone. The food was good, the drinks were better but the service was crap. We only gave her a 5 cent tip, because she was so terrible. 

But that day was fun
P.S. med hat is extremely hilly, I didn;t remember it being that hilly. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hectic Hectic Hectic....

It is like my life has literally been on fast forward lately. Sooo much has happened in the last while. Last Friday I went on a Date, Wednesday I went on a date and now I got a love of my own...thats a lot to handle in a week. 

So I went on this date with this guy named Ryan, he was nice but it was weird..he was older ya know? Couldn't feel like my normal crazed self around him AT ALL. But he bought me this cute little hello kitty. So I it selfish to keep the hello kitty? Or to throw it out? She is so cute I wouldn't want to give her up..but still decisions decisions. 

Anyways date on Wednesday. It was a date with an old friend from high school..well my only "old" friend from like 4 or 5 years ago. Anyways we just chilled like normal, and now Bam we are an item I suppose. But man oh man..the kisses are good..But I didn't get to the best part..

...We went to the exhibition grounds and he let me drive his truck. For the first 10 minutes I forgot that his truck mattered to him and drove like I was on fast and the furious. He was scared crapless, but eventually I got the hang of it.

So now he and I are an item I suppose. I don't want to make it facebook official at all though..cuz it feels like it could be my first real "adult" relationship. Well he is over 18 so it definitely is an adult first one..and its just so...romantic..*insert butterflies*

So after this long crazy week. Who would have thought I would have dated Jesse after all? But idea I have had in awhile he treats me so well. 

*insert butterflies*

P.S. he gave me my first hicky too..haha slutty but I thought I would add it since it was interesting. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Windy days, terrors, and hello kitty!

Today was a weird day full of terrors, and fears. I had to go to the dentist and was horrified to go because my permanent retainer, the wire became loose and my teeth shifted. I thought oh crap...he is going to murder me..but luckily enough he didn't say anything about it. So big sigh of relief! 

Then off to Claire's for some hello kitty gear, skull crap and a rudolf the red nosed reindeer hat for winter! All for 10 buckeroos! 

Later on I went to go meet up with my mom to go for dinner. We had pitas and mine was huge as anything. Seriously. I asked for everything except for alfafa sprouts. It was massive it was the thickness of my arm! But so good! 

Then we walked around the mall in places such as Winners, and this store by pita pit called Mystique. It had cool stuff..but you have got to be richer than rich to buy their crap. 

Then after we chilled at the hospital until we went to go meet the Bishop of my YSA ward. 
There was this funny drawing in the bathroom at the hospital though. Then we were looking at pictures in the cafeteria. Mom looked at this one picture and commented that it looked like my dot tracing game on my phone..which it does. 

P.S. we also went into michaels..funniest thing. So mom saw these candles and she asked me are those onions or beets on the can? Haha I just thought wow, why would they have an onion scented candle? haha it must have been made for my grandmother that does not stop putting onions in everything. Haha

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hectic Hectic life

Life has been cray just has, especially this week. It was an emotional rollercoaster but as far I know rollercoasters are fun right?

Tuesday Josh told me he liked me
Wedesday told me he couldn't date me because he is friends with Ethan and my good friend in Edmonton died on the same day. It was horrible. I found out on the bus to work I was bawling and was just a mess..lets just call it that a big fat mess..
Later on Mikaela came over to help make me feel better, since everything was closed we just tried to follow cars around..haha it was not the best of plans but it was fun.
Friday-went on a date and the guy is psycho. He would not stop texting me it was cray..he still hasn't stopped. Why can't I find a normal guy? Why oh why? 

Lastly Last night I hung out with Mikaela and her friend Morgan. She loved me like I knew she would haha she called me oreo, white on the outside black on the inside haha. Anyways we cruised around and we went to the Timmy's on 43rd since it is open 24 hours and we witnessed the big bang theory in action. There were three nerds there playing on their DS's and were so serious about it. It was hilarious, earlier that night too we went to the south side walmart and I bought some pants and tupperware nothing that exciting. Then we went to five guys and it was awesome, and to the bulk barn. It was exciting especially since I can't get down to the south side that easily. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Breaking dawn...

A few nights ago my co-worker/friend Mikaela asked me to go to a movie with her. She decided that she wanted to go to Breaking Dawn. Ha ha I thought what a lame movie but that civilization was actually asking me to hang out. So I thought why not... I haven't hung out with people in awhile.

Best decision I have ever made.

I met her two friends as well they are both named Christian (maybe have different spellings haha I have no idea) but anyways I love them both. They are all hilarious..which I think I needed haha. 

Anyways Breaking Dawn is hilarious haha. I couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole thing because was pretty idiotic (sorry twilight fans). I have not seen any of the movies since the first one so seeing the last one was funny because I had no idea what was going on.

Highlights of the movie...SPOILER ALERT:

Jacob stripping infront of Bella's dad...haha he said that he had to admit something and its like wow his dad must be thinking that he is admiting that he is least I would.

Laughing and making fun of the movie all throughout haha because that is what I do when I am bored of a movie. 

Watching the battle scene and noting that they were decapitating each other's heads like popping off barbie doll heads..seriously..most funny thing you have seen yo. You have no idea haha, so if a vampire came my way..I will know that my training as a child has worked haha. 

End of battle scene...when it is just a vision of the future instead of the real thing and Christian (male) yelling out WHAT?!?!? when it happened. I laughed so effing hard..I was was ridiculous. 

Highlights after the movie:

Going to starbucks and then realizing that as Canadians we are crazy if we go to starbucks..because it is the place for rich idiots to go so we went to Timmy Hortons. Coffee for the starving students! 

We all pretty much got ice caps mmm yum yum! 

After we went to Walmart and played hide and seek. We found Mikki and girl Christian in housewares. Then they found us when I had to go pee. Otherwise they wouldn't have found us. We were hiding behind the strollers at work haha. 

All in all = best night ever..literally. 

I have never laughed as hard. Ever. hopefully we will all hang out sometime soon..well we have to! 

Anyways till another night of excitement!